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Zandvoort debuts in SLR

Rigth that's yet another week gone and from my perspective it was horrible since i disconnected from my race and that was it. Altough of course it was brilliant to others one of them being SLR Freeman who finally managed to win his first race in the elite division and maybe getting that championship challenge on track to become the first elite champion of SLR and possibly also the only one with titles in different divisions...

In division 1 it was KevinGT9389 who got the victory after his main challenger Jito DV ended up not finishing like his countryman Marcus Ericsson did in the indy 500. Yes if i get the chance to put even the slightest swedish connection in I will. zZSouthernerz was 2nd and SillyBunny got 3rd as well as the fastest lap.

In Division 2 Niki0276 won impressively and with a pole lap that would have put him well into the top 10 in the division above and he won ahead of AG II Panther  and  Coupe a Benz in 2nd and 3rd respectively

Division 3 was won by DnK Rando and he finished ahead of SLR Jord and craigfk but the headline of this race for me is what happened in the stewards room.. PaYox RemixX is the first driver this season to reach 15 points and anyone who know of rule 18.3 might know think that he needs to be a bit careful. Which is indeed true, all of you who are curious to what i mean Ill let you find out yourselves by reading the rules....

See you all in Spain.



Pole Lap: 01.17.528

1. Midzy15

2. HamJam2002

3. SLR Freeman

4. MeRkz47

5. SLR Darnell

6. Snypz SB


8. Xx JamHam xX

9. BDunk

10. Crispy2001

11. saaa69

12. gho3t COLT

13. UKBeastAssassin

14. SLR Dylan

15. bezzas1

16. PaRa Quickz

17. Motion Hazza

18. SLR Smoke86

19. SLR Dacey


Fastest Lap: 01.10.224 SLR Smoke86

1. SLR Freeman


3. HamJam2002

4. gho3t COLT

5. Crispy2001

6. SLR Dylan

7. PaRa Quickz

8. Xx JamHam xX

9. UKBeastAssassin

10. SLR Darnell

11. saa69

12. SLR Smoke86

13. bezzas1 (DNF)

14. BDunk (DNF)

15. MeRkz47 (DNF)

16. Snypz SB (DNF)

17. Midzy15 (DNF)

18. SLR Dacey (DNF) +10 sec next race due to DNF

19. Motion Hazza

Motion Hazza vs SLR Dacey

OUTCOME: +10s + 2LP SLR Dacey

REASON: squeezing with damage

Motion Hazza vs Snypz SB

OUTCOME: Racing Incident

REASON: both drivers believed to be partially at fault.

Division 1


Pole Lap: 01.08.747

1. Jito DV

2. SillyBunny47711

3. Riggsey x

4. KevinGT9389

5. zZSouthernerZz

6. JibJab325

7. SLR McKeon

8. SLR ranga

9. I DarkXenon I

10. tooman3sweets

11. raceroller22

12. II Division II

13. SotierClock110

14. JH199

15. SLR Owenn

16. ARL PReDaToRZz

17. II Monkeyy II

18. SLR Liamm

19. CechThisOut

20. SLR Kolka


Fastest Lap: 01.12.246 SillyBunny47711

1. KevinGT9389

2. zZSouthernerZz

3. SillyBunny47711

4. raceroller22

5. SLR McKeon

6. SLR ranga

7. tooman3sweets

8. JibJab325

9. JH199

10. SLR Liamm

11. CechThisOut

12. I DarXenon I

13. SotierClock110

14. ARL PReDaToRZz

15. Riggsey x

16. SLR Owenn (DNF) +10 sec next race due to DNF

17. SLR Kolka (DNF)

18. Jito DV (DNF)

19. II Division II (DNF)

20. II Monkeyy II (DNF)

Ranga Vs Raceroller

OUTCOME: racing incident.

REASON: Raceroller leaves enough room for two cars and ranga goes over the curb and understeers into the side of him.

Jito Vs zZSouthernerZz

OUTCOME: No further action.

REASON: zZSouthernerZz ai car is in the middle of the straight for Jito whereas he is actually driving round. Another game glitch and unfortunately nothing can be done about it.

Darkxenon Vs JH

OUTCOME: No further action.

REASON: There is no evidence to suggest that JH let's Xenon through. JH also denies this. Due to there being constant yellow flags after the SC and the overtake taking place after an incident we cannot remove the penalty as it may have occurred under yellow flag conditions.

KevinGT Vs zZSouthernerZz

OUTCOME: No further action.

REASON: The stewards felt that there was no obvious penalty to be given. However, they have decided to issue a warning reminding drivers to maintain a constant speed behind the Safety Car to avoid collisions.

Tooman Vs Riggsey Vs Callum McKeon

OUTCOME: No further action.

REASON: The stewards reviewed the evidence and statements of all drivers involved and decided that due to the nature of the Safety Car (drivers being close together), the conditions and the lack of contact, that there was no need for any penalties to be given.

SLR Owenn Vs SLR Kolka

OUTCOME: 10sec and 5 LP SLR Owenn

REASON: The stewards felt that there was no attempt made by SLR Owenn to slow or prepare to stop under yellow flags. However, due to the weather conditions and clear lack of visibility the stewards felt a 30 second penalty was too harsh. The 5 LP have been awarded for the collision and a failure to acknowledge yellow flags.

SLR Kolka Vs SLR Owenn Vs ARL PReDaTorz

OUTCOEM: No further action.

REASON: After hearing from the drivers involved the stewards decided that no further action was necessary as the incident occured as a result of lag.

Division 2


Pole Lap: 01.09.103

1. Niki0276

2. SLR Connor

3. bennett628

4. MRC R Leah

5. PlainTeddy24

6. SLR Barlow

7. AG II Panther

8. Coupe a Benz

9. SLR Semm

10. SLR icallum

11. dRaSt1k bLazE

12. SLR Nealix

13. SLR vTaqx

14. Hicklin93

15. SLR Scopezz

16. ZachIsBeast25

17. PPR Venom

18. rockamad73

19. Original


Fastest Lap: 01.10.948 MRC R Leah

1. Niki0267

2. AG II Panther

3. Coupe a Benz

4. SLR Barlow

5. Original96

6. dRaSt1k bLazE

7. MRC R Leah

8. Hicklin93

9. SLR icallum

10. ZachIsBeat25

11. PlainTeddy24

12. SLR Connor

13. SLR Nealix (DNF)

14. SLR Semm (DNF)

15. SLR Scopezz (DNF)

16. PPR Venom (DNF)

17. SLR vTaqx (DNF)

18. rockamad73 (DNF)

19. bennett628 (DNF)

Semm vs Blaze

Outcome - 1LP for Blaze

Reason - Squeezing (no damage). Blaze squeezes Semm, but Semm doesn’t get any damage so we feel the wing damage Blaze gets is penalty enough as he’ll lose time throughout the race therefor only penalized with license points.

Venom vs Semm

Outcome - Racing Incident

Reason - Both drivers going for same bit of track. Previously agreed by both drivers it’s a racing incident which is agreed with by the stewards.

Division 3


Pole Lap: 01.09.408

1. DnK Rando18

2. SweatyConfetty

3. craigfk

4. SLR Hyperz

5. JON5Y

6. SLR Dodgy

7. Scott85Laney


9. SLR Jord

10. SLR Gareth

11. SLR DNFplum

12. dingledolphin86


14. Crafti3stJ3st3r

15. SLR Stevooo

16. SLR Krush

17. SLR St2oH

18. PaYox RemixX

19. Baggiefan 1995

20. Aflyinglemon318


Fastest Lap: 01.12.203 PaYox RemixX

1. DnK Rando

2. SLR Jord

3. craigfk

4. SweatyConfetty

5. SLR Hyperz

6. JON5Y

7. SLR DNFplum

8. Scott85Laney

9. SLR St2oH

10. Baggiefan 1995


12. PaYox RemixX +25 sec

13. Crafti3stJ3st3r

14. SLR Stevooo (DNF)

15. SLR Gareth (DNF)


17. dingledolphin (DNF)

18. Aflyinglemon318 (DNF)

19. SLR Krush (DNF) Qulaifying ban next race due to DNF

20. SLR Dodgy (DNF)

PaYoX RemixX vs SLR Krush (Lap 1)

OUTCOME: +10s 2LP PaYoX RemixX

REASON: PaYoX RemixX hits the back of SLR Krush twice sending him into the wall causing minor wing damage.

PaYoX RemixX vs NEDKLAW (Lap 1)

OUTCOME: Racing incident

REASON: NEDKLAW is hit from the cars next to him that are three wide in a tight section of the track. PaYoX

RemixX attempts to make it four wide and unfortunately picks up damage.

PaYoX RemixX vs SLR Krush (Lap 5)

OUTCOME: +15s 3LP SLR Krush (Qualifying ban due to DNF)

REASON: PaYoX RemixX has a good exit out of turn 4. As he gets alongside SLR Krush he cuts him off sending both cars into the wall causing major wing damage.

PaYoX RemixX (Formation lap)

OUTCOME: +15s 3LP (race ban for reaching 15LP)

REASON: Unnecessary use of AI.


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