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Better late than never huh?

Technical difficulties in Clockland (Sweden) delayed the race report this week so apologies for that.

It will be no surprise to anyone that the biggest mention on here will go to the first ever winner of Driver Of The Week - The Jocko!

Becoming the first ever driver to overcome a Quali Ban to come home worst to 1st in the Division 2 race at Canada.  An unbelievable performance which quite rightly has received all the plaudits that came with it.  Coming home 2nd with another fantastic performance was IcemanLiam36 in the Ferrari coming from 12th on the grid to take second place - it looked for a while that he may take his maiden win but a great drive all the same.  TopGooner took the final place on the podium in a highly entertaining race from the Div2 drivers.

In Division 3 ImYoungie brought it home ahead of the returning Dawziee with Championship leader Nealix amassing yet more points on raceday.

In Div 1 it was Xx JamHam xX who took the win ahead of Ryan Jones123 - with Midzy 15 rounding off the podium.

Division 1


Pole Lap: 01:07.917

1. Racerfreeman10

2. HamJam2002

3. GeneralMarrow69

4. ERN Hampelexus

5. Pricetag71

6. Xx JamHam xX


8. Kolka ISL

9. Midzy15

10. PaRa Quickz

11. PrestoEvans

12. ConstantRyan181

13. ontothepodium

14. ARL MeRkz

15. Ryan Jones123

16. XR CrazedBear

17. ERN Storm



Fastest Lap: 01:10.239 XR CrazedBear

1. Xx JamHam xX

2. Ryan Jones123

3. Midzy15

4. Pricetag71


6. ARL MeRkz

7. ontothepodium

8. PaRa Quickz

9. HamJam2002

10. ERN Hampelexus

11. Racerfreeman10

12. ConstantRyan181


14. XR CrazedBear +20 sec

15. Kolka ISL

16. ERN Storm (DNF)

17. GeneralMarrow69 (DNF)

18. PrestoEvans (DNF)

HamJam2002 vs PaRa Quickz

OUTCOME: -5 sec

REASON: wrongly given penalty

XR CrazedBear vs HamJam2002

OUTCOME: +20 sec 3LP

REASON: causing full wing damage

Kolka ISL vs ALR MeRkz

OUTCOME: no action taken

REASON: ARL MeRkz had disconnected therefor the incident isn't his fault since he wasn't driving, its unfortunate but not much to do about it.

Division 2


Pole Lap: 01:08.121

1. ERN Smoke

2. UKBeastAssassin

3. TopGooner1987

4. Crispy2001

5. CallumMcKeon33

6. SotierClock110

7. SF1776

8. rangarich

9. MacVeitch

10. Entrusted21

11. Adam Webz

12. IcemanLiam36

13. Yvjn

14. MRC Loki

15. icallum76

16. TheJocko


Fastest Lap: 01:10.628 UKBeastAssassin

1. TheJocko

2. IcemanLiam36

3. TopGooner1987

4. Entrusted21

5. ERN Smoke

6. Crispy2001

7. MacVeitch

8. SF1776

9. MRC Loki

10. UKBeastAssassin

11. SotierClock110 (DNF)

12. icallum76 (DNF)

13. Adam Webz (DNF)

14. rangarich (DNF)

15. CllumMcKeon33 (DNF)

16. Yvjn (DNF)

MacVeitch vs SF1776

OUTCOME: racing incident

REASON: all three drivers play their part in a collision happening.

CallumMcKeon33 vs TopGooner1987

OUTCOME: +15 sec/qualifying ban instead due to a DNF 2LP CallumMcKeon33

REASON: Spinning another car

Division 3


Pole Lap: 01:09.585

1. Dawziee

2. ImYoungie

3. SLR Nealix

4. DaredPaul1986

5. OrangeKrush192

6. IDarkXenonI

7. Hicklin93

8. MonsterSkyline4

9. RUNthaJewels24

10. St2oH

11. SLR Stevooo

12. ZachIsBeast25

13. ScottLaney85


15. SLR Gareth

16. Lewisod


Fastest Lap: 01:11.439 Dawziee

1. ImYoungie

2. Dawziee

3. SLR Nealix

4. St2oH

5. Lewisod

6. IDarkXenonI +15 sec

7. ZachIsBeast25 -5 sec

8. OrangeKrush192 +30 sec


10. Hicklin93 (DNF) +10 sec applied to next race

11. RUNthaJewels24 (DNF)

12. ScottLaney85 (DNF)

13. MonsterSkyline (DNF)

14. SLR Stevooo (DNF)

15. DaredPaul1986 (DNF)

16. SLR Gareth (DNF)


OUTCOME: -5 sec

REASON: wrongly given penalty


OUTCOME: +10 sec 1LP

REASON: resetting to track


OUTCOME: -5 sec

REASON: wrongly given penalty

St2oH vs ZachIsBeast25

OUTCOME: +5 sec 1LP

REASON: unsporting behaviour

OrangeKrush vs Lap 1

OUTCOME: +30 sec 5LP

REASON: causing a pile up involving multiple cars


OUTCOME: -5 sec

REASON: wrongly given penalty

ZachIsBeast25 vs Lewisod

OUTCOME: racing incident

REASON: ZachIsBeast25 is to far back to be making a move into that corner

IDarkXenonI vs SLR Nealix

OUTCOME: racing incident

REASON: overtake ends up being clean, but be careful, IDarkXenonI open the door the straight so there is room and SLR Nealix takes it.

DaredPaul1986 vs IDarkXenonI

OUTCOME: +15 sec 2LP IDarkXenonI

REASON: spinning another car


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