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Who can stop Presto?

It’s finally time for what we have all been waiting for “Storytime with Clock”. Maybe not, but I do have the honor to do the report this time. So once again the ever amazing PrestoEvans won after another commanding drive, after some start issues and falling back to 3rd he of course got back were he belong and won by 8 seconds infront of BOR Hamilton and IL o GI c Gamer completing the podium. And by the way lets all pray that ferrari have money enough to pay for Stepladderbobs car which has retired in 8 out of the 10 races.

In division 2 we saw a shower proving to be deciding when Im The GOAT Bro did a genius strategy, by 1 stopping instead of 2 like everyone else which led to him getting the win in one of the best races in SLR, and a well deserved driver of the day. HoneyBadger getting his first podium in SLR after in his debut in division 2 and with rangarich finishing 3rd he extended his championship lead over 2nd place Torpedo Jezza who only managed a very shy 4 points in 8th place.

The most commanding drive of the week was executed by RELLIK NOOK in division 3 in the tricky wet conditions and he ended up winning by 27 seconds over JH199 and a massive 41 seconds infront of third placed BigShoTGoRriLa, well done RELLIK! Unfortunately for the neutral point of view and especially General Marrow who is now a whole 48 points behind JH199 in the championship, but if u can lose 48 points u can always gain them as well.

Div 1

Qualifying results

Pole lap: 01,25,719

1. PrestoEvans

2. IL o GI c Gamer

3. ITS ME WI11

4. K1llmongerr

5. BOR Hamilton

6.Para Quickz

7. yologamer666one

8. ontothepodium

9. Pricetag71

10. SotierClock110

11. AL3C2003

12. Stepladderbob

13. BOR Verstappen

14. FERLORU810

Race reults

1. PrestoEvans

2. BOR Hamilton ±5 sec

3. IL o GI c Gamer ±15 sec

4. BOR Verstappen

5. K1llmongerr

6. yologamer666one

7. Pricetag71

8. ITS ME WI11

9. SotierClock110

10. Para QuickZ ±30 sec

11. ontothepodium

12. AL3C2003 (DNF)

13. Stepladderbob (DNF)


Incident: ITS ME WI11 vs ParaQuickz

Outcome: para 15 sec

Reason: spinning another car

Incident: ITS ME WI11 vs lIL o GI c Gamer

Outcome: logic 15 sec

Reason: spinning another car

Incident: PaRa Quickz v K1llmongerr

Outcome: +15 seconds and +2 penalty points to PaRa Quickz

Reason: causing majot wing damage and forcing a move which wasn’t there

Incident: BOR Hamilton vs IL o GI c Gamer

Outcome: ±5 sec for BOR Hamilton

Reason: Unsporting behavior on track


Qualifying results

Pole lap: 01,31,120

1. ConstantRyan

2. HoneyBadger335

3. rangarich

4. MacVeitch

5. EmotiveEthor1

6. TYR I 1A1N

7. Yorrin91

8. Im The GOAT Bro

9. b33n 3motional

10. Torpedo Jezza

11. AMGkosha

12. DaredPaul1986

13. ZachIsBeast25

14. St2oH

Race results

1. Im The GOAT Bro

2. HoneyBadger

3. rangarich

4. ConstantRyan56

5. Yorrin91

6. TYR I 1A1N

7. MacVeitch

8. Torpedo Jezza

9. b33n 3motional

10. EmotiveEthor1

11. AMGkosha

12. St2oH

13. DaredPaul1986

14. ZachIsBeast25

No incidents reported in division 2


Quali results

Pole lap: 01,38,280

1. BigShoTGoRriLa


3. LifesABeach08

4. nEoNtRiCkShOt13

5. JH199

6. GeneralMarrow


8. ViggoLitoo

9. Mr Mackintoast

10. snoozer720

11. SLR Schumacher

12. random rexy

13. Stevobrick

14. Hicklin93


16. Destiny Child7

Race results


2. JH199

3. bigShoTGoRriLa


5. nEoNtRiCkShOt13

6. Mr Mackintoast -3 sec

7. LifesABeach08

8. SLR Schumacher

9. snoozer720

10. random rexy

11. Stevobrick

12. Hicklin93

13. Destiny Child7 ±5 sec


15. ViggoLitoo (DNF)

16. GeneralMarrow (DNF)

Incident: snoozer720 v Mr Mackintoast

Outcome: -3 seconds from Mr Mackintoast’s race time

Reason: unfair penalty issued by game

Incident: random rexy v Destiny Child 7

Outcome: +5 seconds to Destiny Child 7

Reason: unnecessary diving and forcing random rexy off track

Incident: GeneralMarrow69 v ViggoLitoo

Outcome: Racing incident

Reason: at the end of the first sector, Marrow goes to take a corner and turns in early. Viggo is behind him and cant avoid contact. As the track was wet and drivers are fighting for position, this is a racing incident.


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