Baku once again proved a formidable beast against the drivers of SLR. Last week the drivers of division 2 and 3 found their fields decimated by the walls of Baku and the division 1 drivers proved to be no exception with only 8 drivers out of a field of 17 crossing the finishing line. Presto took the win again here in a race that had some fantastic battles throughout, Trapman49 found his way once again to the podium with yologamer666one joining them.
Div 1
Quali Results
Pole Lap: 1:36.750
1. BOR Fastboy
2. PrestoEvans
3. Trapman49
5. yologamer666one
6. Evoke Replays
7. ontothepodium
8. K1llmongerr
9. Stepladderbob
10. xJoSh DiGgLeSx
11. PaRa Quickz
12. BOR Hamilton
13. Joshjlh
14. ITS ME WI11
15. HoneyBadger335
16. AL3C2003
17. IL o GI c Gamer
Incidents v Outcomes:
yologamer666one v BOR Hamilton
Outcome: Racing Incident
Reason: BOR Hamilton takes the corner slightly too early
Trapman49 v BOR FastBoy
Outcome: +15 secs to BOR Fastboy and +2 licence points
Reason: BOR FastBoy was too aggressive going into T3 and spins Trapman49 causing him to lose a large amount of time
1. PrestoEvans
2. Trapman49
3. yologamer666one
4. PaRa Quickz
5. Joshjlh
6. BOR Fastboy (+15 secs)
7. AL3C2003
8. xJoSh DiGgLeSx
9. BOR Hamilton – DNF
10. ontothepodium – DNF
11. Evoke Replays – DNF
12. FERLORU810 – DNF
13. K1llmongerr – DNF
14. IL o GI c Gamer – DNF
15. Stepladderbob – DNF
16. ITS ME WI11 – DNF
17. HoneyBadger335 – DNF
Azerbaijan turned out to be a case of who would survive rather than who would thrive as the walls of Baku claimed many victims along the way. Across both Division 1 and 2 20 drivers ended with a DNF against their name with only 4 drivers reaching the chequered flag.
ConstantSine56 took both the pole and the top rung of the podium with his first win in Div 2 with G1SubZ1G and MacVeitch taking the rest of the steps on the podium. Whilst in Div 3 GeneralMarrow69 came out on top of the surviving drivers withViggoLitoo and NEDKLAW joining him on the podium with a special mention to random rexxy who also survived Baku finishing 4th.
Div 2
Qualifying Results
Pole lap: 1:51.096
1. ConstantSine56
2. SotierClock110
3. Im the GOAT Bro
4. AMGbosko
5. MacVeitch
6. STR JezZA
7. Harrison161995
8. Yorrin91
9. rangarich
10. TYR I 1A1N
11. G1SubZ1G
12. St2oH
13. EmotiveEthor
14. SeveredDragon88
15. Icallum76
16. Ajto7
17. B33n 3motional
18. KvKDylan2808
Incidents and Outcomes
Sotierclock110 v AMGkosha
Outcome: +30 seconds to AMGkosha’s next race time as he DNF in Azerbaijan
Reason: AMGkosha is making a move for the lead going into the corner and completely outbreaks himself and hits the back of Clock, pushing him into the wall and putting himself and Clock out of the race.
rangarich v Harrison161995
Outcome: +10 seconds
Reason: Blocking qualifying hotlap
b33n 3motional v Harrison161995
Outcome: +10 seconds Reason: Blocking qualifying hotlap
ajto7 awarded a qualifying ban for next race for readying up before the end of 5 minute break
Race Results
1. ConstantSine56
2. G1SubZ1G
3. MacVeitch
4. Yorrin91
5. Harrison161995 (+20 secs)
6. STR JezZA
7. EmotiveEthor
8. B33n 3motionalajt
9. rangarich – DNF
10. AMGkosha – DNF (+30 secs next race)
11. Sotierclock110 – DNF
12. Im the GOAT Bro – DNF
13. SeveredDragon88 – DNF
14. TYR I 1A1N- DNF
15. KvKDylan2808 – DNF
16. St2oh – DNF
17. ajto7 – DNF
18. icallum76 - DNF
Div 3
Qualifying Results
Pole Lap: 1:38.166
1. JH199
2. SLR Epix
3. GeneralMarrow69
4. ViggoLitto
5. SLR Schumacher
6. Stevobrick
8. L4K3PY07
9. FlavorfulHorse3
10. DJ Drieberg
11. snoozer720
12. RogueMender9549
13. random rexy
DJ Drieberg v random rexy
Outcome: +15 seconds to DJ Drieberg (penalty will be applied to next race DJ finishes as he DNF in Azerbaijan)
Reason: DJ hits the wall and causes a collision leading to full wing damage with random rexy by the way he cut across the track and was unaware rexy’s car.
Race Results
1. GeneralMarrow69
2. ViggoLitoo
4. random rexy
5. snoozer720 – DNF
6. DJ Drieberg – DNF (+15 secs next race)
7. SLR Schumacher – DNF
8. JH199 - DNF
9. Stevobrick – DNF
10. L4K3PY07 - DNF
11. SLR Epix – DNF
12. RogueMender9549 – DNF
13. FlavorfulHorse3 - DNF
14. Hicklin93 - DNF