Another epic season concluded here at SLR this weekend where finally JamHam put the Division 1 title to bed whilst picking up yet another podium and adding to his haul of silverware (although Virtual this year - physical trophies will arrive in SLR next Season).
Renault clinched the Joint Constructors although they were champions in waiting for some time now - the Renault team throughout the leagues will now have the option to pick their car for Season 5 - will they collectively look to defend their title or will they ditch the car quicker than Ricciardo?
All that aside - throughout the Divisions Drivers showed that even when titles were secured that the spirit of competition was alive and well - with fights for 5th and 6th fought for just as hard as the top spot.
This is what Reaching The Summit is all about folks - one step at a time!
And of course a massive Congratulations to JamHam for reaching the peak of the Summit in SLR - knocking SLR Freeman off the top spot from last year.
Indeed it would be HamJam who would set a marker for next season after taking the win in the final race - with a fantastic podium spot going to Midzy15.
In Division 2 UKBeastAssassin was in no mood to give anyone else the top spot even for the weekend as he saw off the Season with yet another win with JDARNELL73 and the now fantastically renamed SLR McKeon taking the other spots on the podium. We do love to see Drivers take pride in SLR and represent us with their Gamertag - we hope to see many more come Season 5!
SLR (insert your name here) <---------
Division 3 gave the stewards a busy night as an epic final race closed the season...when all was said and done it was that man again IDarkXeonI who took the win with Original96 and NedKlaw taking the final podium positions of the year!
We aren't quite finished for the Season yet though folks - tune into Twitch tonight at 9pm BST for the End of the Season Awards Night where I believe Ham comes 2nd in everything to Jam...perhaps that should be a trophy on its own? Sure to be a fun night and who know if your trophy cabinet is looking a little bare this season then maybe something might just be coming your way! Asides from Drivers Awards there are plenty others as well - Race of the Season - Commentator of the Year etc.
Tune in!
Featured Image Courtesy of zZSouthernerZz
Division 1
Pole Lap: 01:33.430
1. SLR Freeman
2. Midzy15
3. Rizeln v4
4. Xx JamHam xX
5. HamJam2002
6. gho3t COLT
7. LP Smoke
8. XR CrazedBear
9. Ryan Jones123
10. FingerBoy05
11. SLR Dylan
12. Hoopolicious
13. bezzas1
14. MeRkz47
15. KevinGT9389
16. saaa69
17. Motiona Hazza
18. PaRa Quickz
19. Saxman24
20. JH199
Fastest Lap: 01:37.364 SLR Freeman
1. Hamjam2002
2. MeRkz47
3. Xx JamHam xX
4. SLR Freeman
5. LP Smoke
6. Midzy15
7. Ryan Jones123
8. saaa69
9. Fingerboy05
10. gho3t COLT -5 sec
11. Saxman24
12. bezzas1
13. Hoopolicious
14. Motion Hazza
15. SLR Dylan (DNF)
16. PaRa Quickz (DNF)
17. KevinGT3989 (DNF)
18. XR CrazedBear (DNF)
19. Rizeln v4 (DNF)
20. JH199 (DNF)
SLR Freeman vs Midzy15
OUTCOME: no action taken
REASON: racing incident
gho3t COLT
OUTCOME: -5 sec
REASON: wrongly given penalty
Division 2
Pole Lap: 01:34.055
1. UKBeastAssassin
3. Crispy2001
4. SLR ranga
5. SLR McKeon
6. CechThisOut
7. zZSouthernerZz
8. II Monkeyy II
9. TheJocko
10. TopGooner1987
11. MRC R Leah
12. SillyBunny47711
13. SLR b33n
14. IcemanLaim36
15. IDarkXenonI
16. OMH36
17. rockamad73
18. ARL PReDaToRZz
19. icallum76
Fastest Lap: 01:37.478 SillyBunny47711
1. UKBeastAssassin
3. SLR McKeon
4. SillyBunny47711
5. zZSputhernerZz -3 sec
6. SLR ranga
7. IcemanLaim36
9. CechThisOut
10. IDarkXenonI
11. TheJocko
12. OMH36
13. TopGooner1987
14. MRC R Leah (DNF)
15. rockamad73 (DNF)
16. II Monkey II (DNF)
17. Crispy2001 (DNF)
18. SLR b33n (DNF)
19. icallum76 (DNF)
SLR ranga vs zZSothernerZz
OUTCOME: -3 sec zZSouthernerZz
REASON: wrongly given penalty
OMH36 vs SillyBunny4771
OUTCOME: no action taken
REASON: racing incident
Division 3
Pole Lap: 01:35.671
1. SLR Nealix
2. SLR Gareth
3. JON5Y
4. the big faler
5. craigfk
6. ZachIsBeast25
7. Scott85Laney85
8. SLR St2oH
10. Hicklin93
11. Original96
13. OrangeKrush192
14. FatherCorn
15. SLR Stevooo
16. RUNthaJewels24
17. IDarkXenonI
18. We Are Venom37
Fastest Lap: 01:38.867 SLR Gareth
1. IDarkXenonI
2. Original96
4. SLR Gareth
5. SLR Stevooo
6. SLR Nealix +20 sec
8. the big faler +30 sec
9. SLR St2oH +20 sec
10. craigfk
11. Hicklin96 (DNF)
12. JON5Y (DNF)
13. FatherCorn (DNF)
14. ZachIsBeeast25 (DNF)
15. We Are Venom37 (DNF)
16. RUNthaJewels24 (DNF)
17. Scott85Laney (DNF)
18. OrangeKrush192 (DNF)
Original96 vs ZachIsBeast25
OUTCOME: no action taken
REASON: racing incident
SLR Nealix vs Original96
OUTCOME: +20 sec 3lP SLR Nealix
REASON: divebomb
SLR Gareth
OUTCOME: No action taken
REASON: need picture of the race director to remove 3 sec pens
OUTCOME: +20 sec 3LP SLR St2oH
REASON: causing full wing damage
SLR Nealix vs JON5Y
OUTCOME: +15 sec 2LP JON5Y
REASON: spinning another car
OUTCOME: no action taken
reason: see in game penalty section in the rules
the big faler vs St2oH
OUTCOME: +15 sec 2LP the big faler
REASON: spinning another car
the big faler vs Hicklin93
OUTCOME: +15 sec 2LP the big faler
REASON: Spinning another car
ZachIsBeast25 vs craigfk
OUTCOME: No action taken
REASON: 1st lap incident