2019 is almost over and so is SLR for this year the next race will be on the first Friday in 2020 for division 2 but more info on that is coming further down the line together with the driver draw and what division everyone will be in. Any questions? Don't be afraid to send them in.
Anyway Season 3 is done and a well earned rest over Christmas for all of you (although keep you're eyes open for any potential invitational events) and we of course ended in Abu Dhabi as always with a couple championships left to go.
Division 1 drivers was already won by Racerfreeman10 breaking PrestoEvans streak of 2 and taking the spot as the king of SLR but his team Ferrari didn't have the same success losing the title to McLaren driven by CG Gibby and Pricetag71 who edged out the two Haas drivers in Abu Dhabi to take the title home to Woking for their team to enjoy but not only that by the help of ontothepodium, SotierClock110, Gareth7teen and Stevobrick they also secured the joint constructors for McLaren which come with the benefit of being able to choose any car they want for season 4. A little side note is that the joint constructors is important for the driver draw as well since the teams will be filled up in the order they finished in the joint constructors. That means McLaren will get their seats filled up first then Haas etc.
In division 2 with titles were already secured by ontothepodium and his team McLaren also won the constructors with the help from SotierClock110, so 2 more titles added to McLaren success this season.
Division 3 wasn't decided yet but ZachIsBeast25 didn't fall for the pressure and secured the title whilst his teammate won the race securing the title for Haas.
Also between the admins we decided to have a little vote between us who we thought was the driver of the season across all of our divisions. We got votes for a couple drivers with Kolka ISL, RELLIK NOOK also getting some votes. Second place in the voting was awarded to BCT L3GENDS but the winner is...................... CG Gibby.
Gongratulations to a great season earning a mid season move up to division 1 and doing really well there as well, finishing 4th, I think, anyway a good year 2 titles to his name both constructors with McLaren.
But massive thanks everyone for this season, make sure to charge the batteries and come back strong in 2020, and don't forget to watch the driver draw to get you're car for season 4 but info on that is coming.
Happy christmas and a happy new year everyone from all of us at SLR see you in 2020
Division 1
Pole Lap:01,33,779
1. Racerfreeman10
2. xXxBossCookiexX
3. Xx JamHam xX
4. BMG Suli
5. HamJam2002
6. PrestoEvans
7. GeneralMarrow69
8. Pricetag71
9. vicaman1029
11. ERN Beard
12. ERN Hampelexus
13. EGC Sparky
14. Wahlberg24
15. CG Gibby
16. ERN David Storm
17. JesperSJ
18. Saxman24
Fastest Lap: Saxman24 01,36,996
1. HamJam2002
2. BMG Suli
3. Racerfreeman10
4. CG Gibby
5. Xx JamHam xX
6. Wahlberg24
7. Pricetag
8. PrestoEvans +5 sec
9. JesperSJ
10. GeneralMarrow69
12. vicaman 1029
13. ERN David Storm
14. Saxman24
15. ERN Hampelexus (DNF)
16. ERN Beard (DNF)
17. BSC Sparky (DNF)
18. xXxBossCookiexX (DNF)
PrestoEvans vs GenralMarrow69
OUTCOME: +5 sec 1LP PrestoEvans
REASON: A forceful move that left no space for GeneralMarrow69
ERN Beard vs xXx BossCookiexX
OUTCOME: No action taken
REASON: Both of them are lagging making it impossible to race with each other so we can't make a fair decision due to the lag.
Division 2
Pole Lap: 01,34,525
1. ontothepodium
4. ERN Samuel
5. TazFW
6. TopGooner1987
7. MacVeitch
8. LP Smoke
9. Stepladderbob
10. rangarich
11. SotierClock110
12. icallum76
13. HamperedLily417
14. Dawziee
15. Adam Webz
16. UKBeastAssassin
Fastest Lap: MADESTGAMERBOSS 01,37,291
1. ontothepodium
3. rangarich
4. SotierClock110
5. UKBeastAssassin
6. ERN Samuel
7. MacVeitch
8. Dawziee
9. HamperedLily417
10. icallum76
11. LP Smoke
13. Stepladderbob (DNF)
14. TopGooner1987 (DNF)
15. TazFW (DNF)
16. Adam Webz (DNF)
Division 3
Pole Lap: 01,35,350
1. Kolka ISL
2. b33n 3motional
3. Nealix
4. SF1776
5. OrangeKrush192
6. St2oH
7. ZchIsBeast25
8. FatherCorn
9. ScottLaney85
10. imYoungie
11. Gareth7teen
13. PPR Sprigthly
15. Stevobrick
Fastest Lap: Kolka ISL 01,37,342
1. Nealix
2. OrangeKrush192
3. Kolka ISL
4. Gareth7teen
5. ZachIsBeast25
6. imYoungie
7. Stevobrick
8. FatherCorn
10. b33n 3motional (DNF)
11. PPR Sprightly (DNF)
12. ScottLaney (DNF)
14. SF1776 (DNF)
15. Sto2h (DNF)
PPR Sprightly vs ZachIsBeast25
NEW OUTCOME: Racing incident
REASON: Both kind of to blame so outcome is changed