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rangarich finally win again

Le Castellet in real life the most boring race last season but this is SLR and no race is boring here. Luckily the technical issues I had last week are a memory from the past and the race report will be out in time again, and thanks to SLR St2oH for doing it last week instead (although I know everyone prefer me). 

Anyway the big news this weekend was obviously that rangarich finally won a race again, after he won the first SLR race ever back in Australia in season 1 and later a second win at circuit Gilles Villneuve (Canada) he hasn't won a race since. But as we say in Sweden, the one who is waiting for something never waits to long, and this is also a unofficial SLR record with the longest time between race wins.

In Divison 1 we find our driver of the week with Xx JamHam xX winning from 11th on the grid brilliant job by him. Also very nice to see a lot of new names on the grid in division 1 and I know that even mores coming for Austria so that is set to be a special race with drivers wanting to prove themselves infront of the SLR community.

Division 3 was a victory for Dawziee and joining him on the podium did IDarkXenonI in P2 and ImYoungie in P3. Im sure no-one have missed it but I still have to say that SLR Stevoo is now an LO (League Owner) of SLR, after being here ever since the start of season 1 he is a proper OG always loyal to the league with the leagues best at mind. Congratulations to SLR Stevooo and its a massive pleasure to have you onboard and I know you will fit in with the LOs perfectly.

Thats it for this week hope you are happy with this weeks results, if not, then make next weeks better for you. Hope to see you on twitch or on the track Friday for division 2. Good bye or for now or as we say in Sweden "Hejdå".

Division 1


Pole Lap: 01,29,550

1. Midzy15

2. HamJam2002

3. Racerfreeman10

4. Kolka ISL


6. c1gifford

7. PaRa Quickz

8. XR CrazedBear

9. bezzas1

10. jDARNELL73

11. Xx JamHam xX

12. ARL MeRkz

13. Saxman24

14. CaspitaV12 95

15. Ryan Jones123


Fastest Lap: 01,32,984 Midzy15

1. Xx JamHam xX

2. HamJam2002

3. XR CrazedBear

4. Ryan Jones123

5. Midzy15

6. PaRa Quickz

7. Racerfreeman10

8. RELLIK NOOK +15 sec

9. CaspitaV12 95

10. Saxman24

11. bezzas1

12. jDarnell

13. c1gifford

14. ARL MeRkz (DNF)

15. Kolka ISL (DNF)

HamJam2002 vs RELLIK NOOK


REASON: spinning another car

Ryan Jones123

OUTCOME: Penalty stand

REASON: In line with the new rules, under SC penalties will not be removed if you are under full control of you're car and go off track self-inflicted.

Division 2


Pole Lap: 01,30,069

1. rangarich

2. UKBeastAssassin

3. SotierClock110

4. ERN Smoke

5. THEGHOST345111

6. Crispy2001

7. TopGooner1987


9. IcemanLiam36

10. Entrusted21

11. Yvjn

12. MRC Loki

13. MacVeitch

14. SF1776

15. Adam Webz

16. iallum76

17. CallumMcKeon33


Fastest Lap: 01,33,027 MacVeitch

1. rangarich

2. UKBeastAssassin

3. Crispy2001

4. SotierClock110

5. TopGooner1987


7. CallumMcKeon33

8. THEGHOST34511 -10 sec

9. Yvjn

10. SF1776

11. Entrusted21

12. Adam Webz +10 sec

13. IcemanLiam36

14. MRC Loki

15. MacVeitch

16. ERN Smoke

17. icallum76 (DNF)


OUTCOME: -10 sec

REASON: Wrongly given penalty

ERN Smoke vs Adam Webz

OUTCOME: +10 sec 1LP

REASON: Blocking qualifying lap

Division 3


Pole Lap: 01,30,734

1. Dawziee

2. IDarkXenonI

3. SLR Nealix

4. ImYoungie

5. FatherCorn


7. ZachIsBeast25

8. Hicklin93


10. SLR St2oH

11. JON5Y

12. SLR Gareth

13. SLR Stevooo

14. DaredPaul1986

15. RUNthaJewels24


17. OrangeKrushh192


Fastest Lap: 01,33,225 Dawziee

1. Dawziee

2. IDarkXenonI

3. ImYoungie

4. Hicklin93

5. SLR Nealix

6. SLR St2oH

7. FatherCorn



10. SLR Stevooo

11. ZachIsBeast25 +15 sec

12. SLR Gareth

13. DarePaul1986

14. OrangeKrush192


16. JON5Y

17. RUNthaJewels24 (DNF)

St2oH vs ZachIsBeast25

OUTCOME: +15 sec 2LP ZachIsBeast25

REASON: Spinning another car

OrangeKrush192 vs JON5Y

OUTCOME: racing incident

REASON: JON5Y is on the racing line, a very unexpected move into a closing space, was never going to work.


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