Welcome back to another round of the 10th Season of SLR Formula 2! We made the short trip from Bahrain to Qatar for this round, and would last week's victors show their worth and go back to back? Let's find out!
Qualifying Classification:
POLE: SLR Medal2533 ~ 1:32.754
1 SLR Medal2533
2 BRT Griffiths
3 Raceroller22
4 SLR Ham19
6 I Pluto74 I
7 UKBeastAssassin
8 SLR Southerner
9 OwenHowell36
10 SLR Dodgy
11 RSF1 Michael
12 SLR Corey
13 DestroyerDRAC
14 TeH Punisher946
15 Nightowl0208735
16 LSJ Rundle
18 Comm45
19 BMidzy
20 FGE Atom77
Sprint Race Classification:
FL: SLR Medal2533 ~ 1.36.483
1 BRT Griffiths
2 SLR Medal2533
3 I Pluto74 I
4 SLR Southerner
6 Raceroller22
7 BMidzy
8 SLR Ham19
9 Nightowl0208735
10 SLR Dodgy
11 UKBeastAssassin 5s + 1LP
13 RSF1 Michael
14 Comm45
15 FGE Atom77
16 SLR Corey
17 LSJ Rundle
18 OwenHowell36
19 DestroyerDRAC
20 TeH Punisher946
Ticket #211
SLR Ham19 vs UKBeastAssassin
Lap 3 - Sprint
Verdict: 5 second and 1 LP to UKBeastAssassin
UKBeastAssassin unfortunately misjudged SLR Ham speed coming from a different line into T1 and causes SLR Ham to spin.
Feature Race Classification:
FL: SLR Corey ~ 1.34.045
1 SLR Medal2533
2 BRT Griffiths
4 Raceroller22
5 SLR Ham19
6 I Pluto74 I
7 SLR Southerner
8 UKBeastAssassin
9 SLR Corey 10s + 2LP
10 Comm45
11 LSJ Rundle
12 BMidzy
14 Nightowl0208735
15 FGE Atom77
16 SLR Dodgy
17 OwenHowell36
18 TeH Punisher946
19 DestroyerDRAC
20 RSF1 Michael
Ticket #210
SLR Dodgy vs SLR Corey
Lap 3 - Feature
Verdict: 10 second and 2 LP to SLR Corey
SLR Corey misjudges the speed of the car ahead causing the collision and spinning SLR Dodgy.
*SLR Corey recieves an official warning for accumulating 6LPs