Welcome back to yet another Season 12 Race Report, and in Round 15 of the season we took on everyone's favourite Star-Spangled Circuit, the Circuit of the America's in Austin, Texas. We had plenty of action across the divisions this week with some wet running included, as well as a few drivers racing in the McKeon Division making people wonder why they were there, a bit like if polar bears were in Texas... Anyways let's see how the results went down this week!
Here's some SLR milestones that can be reached in Brazil next week...
... PxrpHaze 44 will hit 700 points if they score 6 points.
... SLR Moley will hit 700 points if they score 15 points.
... SemmF1 will hit 600 points if they score 1 point.
... SLR Medal2533 will hit 600 points if they score 24 points.
... Massey F1 will hit 300 points if they score 24 points.
... Ski Fee will hit 200 points if they score 7 points.
... HuskySaturn1943 will hit 100 points if they score 22 points.
Pole Time: 1:31.661
1. SLR Corey
2. bourbonboy64
3. SLR Ham19
4. dRaSt1k bLazE
5. raceroller22
6. SLR Jam40
7. OwenHowell36
8. SLR Liamm
9. Massey F1
10. SLR Medal2533
11. SemmF1
Fastest Lap: 1:34.420 - bourbonboy64
1. SLR Ham19
2. SLR Corey
3. bourbonboy64
4. SLR Jam40
5. dRaSt1k bLazE
6. SLR Medal2533
7. OwenHowell36
8. Massey F1
9. SLR Liamm
10. raceroller22
11. SemmF1 (DNF)
No incidents reported
Division 2
Pole Time: 1:32.232
1. Scar B0rga
2. SLR Darnell
3. PxrpHaze 44
4. LSJ Rundle
5. Ski Fee
6. UKBeastAssassin
7. Pricey
8. SLR Liamm
9. OwenHowell36
10. Des Fontaine
11. I CJT22 I
13. THATGUY691244
14. GoldenEggFryer
15. Kislesko
16. SLR Moley
18. ZachIsBeast25
19. harveui
20. DPT Paul
Fastest Lap: 1:34.846 - THATGUY691244
1. Scar B0rga
2. THATGUY691244
3. UKBeastAssassin
4. I CJT22 I
5. SLR Liamm
7. Pricey
8. ZachIsBeast25
9. Kislesko
11. SLR Darnell
12. harveui
13. LSJ Rundle -5 sec
14. SLR Moley
15. Ski Fee +5 sec
16. Des Fontaine +5 sec
17. GoldenEggFryer
18. OwenHowell36 (DNF)
19. DPT Paul (DNF)
20. PxrpHaze 44 (DNF)
Lap 10 incident involving GoldenEggFryer & Des Fontaine
Outcome: 5 seconds + 2 Licence Points to Des Fontaine
Reason: Des carries too much speed and spins GoldenEggFryer.
Lap 28 incident involving SLR Darnell, Ski Fee & THATGUY691244
Outcome: 5 seconds + 2 Licence Points to Ski Fee
Reason: ThatGuy does no wrong in this incident, and neither does SLR Darnell. Nobody forbids Ski Fee to back out when the gap is closing and he is clearly behind, and such causes an avoidable collision between the 3 cars.
Lap 28 incident involving GoldenEggFryer & Des Fontaine (Pt. 1)
Outcome: No Further Action
Reason: The stewards were in agreement that this was a racing incident, and both drivers could have done more to avoid the collision.
Lap 28 incident involving GoldenEggFryer & Des Fontaine (Pt. 2)
Outcome: Race Ban + 5 Licence Points to Des Fontaine
Reason: This was a very unprofessional and unsportsmanlike act from Des to deliberately crash GoldenEggFryer out of the race, and such a large penalty has been applied.
Lap 28 incident involving LSJ Rundle & EA
Outcome: 5 seconds removed from LSJ Rundle race time
Reason: unfair 5 second pen given by the game for an illegal overtake, and the evidence provided showed that he did not serve the pen.
Official Warning to Des Fontaine for accumulating over 6LP. He is now on 7LP, and 2 more will mean a Qualifying Ban.
Division 3
Pole Time: 1:33.043
1. Tyler Jenkins
2. BadOtterTV
3. SSR Halo
4. Gregers UK
5. WheelieeBin
6. Mantas Lietuva
7. TeH Punisher946
8. Starsorphan6
9. Hubbadee
10. Rico AV
11. COLDEN3335
12. SLR Hicklin
13. Rotch6130
14. HuskySaturn1943
15. TIR SpiderJR
Fastest Lap: 1:37.010 - SSR Halo
1. BadOtterTV
2. Tyler Jenkins
3. SSR Halo
4. Hubbadee
5. TeH Punisher946
6. Starsorphan6
7. COLDEN3335
8. WheelieeBin
9. TIR SpiderJR
10. Gregers UK
11. Rotch6130
12. HuskySaturn1943
13. Rico AV (DNF)
14. SLR Hicklin (DNF)
15. Mantas Lietuva (DNF)
Lap 28 incident involving Tyler Jenkins & BadOtterTV
Outcome: No Further Action
Reason: The stewards came to the conclusion that this incident was only due to Tyler losing control of the car with dry tyres on a wet track, and there was no collision between the pair until after the spin.