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Moving Up and Down, Side to Side... Zandvoort


Round 12 of the SLR McKeon championship is in the Zandvoort, Netherlands. A very short track with minimalistic opportunities to make overtakes here, makes the strategy so important to nail here, or else you will spend the entire race trying to claw back the positions.

Qualifying was a dry session and after all the runs from the drivers, it would BMidzy to take pole position! Still doing very well at the moment and at a track that is hard to overtake, this will put him in the best position, and may be really difficult for anyone to be able to take the top step of the podium off of him. Second, in the end, was BRT Finn. Another McLaren front row lockout. Very impressive both drivers finally finding their feet this season and showing the pace they know they have, after his unfortunate penalty losing him to the podium last week, I’m sure he will be hoping to fight his teammate for the win here. Rounding off the top would be Crispy2001. A great lap from the Willaims driver, he has struggled really badly this season and has the occasional pace to be up there and this race is one of them, with him not being far off the top 2, he must fancy his chances here to go and get the race win.

The race was also dry and with many drivers going with the hard compound tyre, it was clear what the preferred strategy was and it was going to be up to the drivers to find the pace they needed to gain positions in the race. But after all 36 laps of action, it would BMidzy to take the race win! Midzy continues his impressive run as of late taking another podium but this time on the top step, a sweet moment for him and sure one he would like to continue to see if he could get further up the driver's championship. Second in the end was Crispy2001. Another driver who has struggled as of late, but in this race it all just seemed to click for him, always being in the fight and only 0.025 off of Midzy in the end must be a bitter pill to swallow, but it still is a much better result for him and let’s hope he can keep finding these results. Rounding off the top 3 was SLR EVVO. Wow, what a result for the Ferrari driver. One who usually is in the lower depths of the points has the race of his life and gets his first podium in the McKeon division. What a race from him and well done to him for doing so well which is a welcome sight.

A tough race for all of the drivers, with many fast corners making for some quick thinking and tough on the tires meaning there was only one real way for the straetgfy to go. The next time out will be the Temple of Speed, Monza, Italy. A much different track with a few technical corners but with it very much being a low downforce track, it is a challenge far different to Zandvoort but wait until next week to see these drivers tackle one of the best tracks on the calendar, until then though hope everyone has a great week!


Pole Lap: 1:08.076

1 BMidzy

2 BRT Finn

3 Crispy2001

4 dRaSt1k bLazE

5 SimbarocksONE

6 raceroller22


8 SLR Ham19

9 Adzzz37 x

10 SLR Medal2533

11 SLR Corey

12 SparksYT15

13 Kiki Juric

14 Snypz SB

15 Riggsey x

16 AERT Finlay

17 SLR Jam40


19 MeRkz47



Fastest Lap: 1:10.333 SLR Medal2533

1 BMidzy

2 Crispy2001


4 SLR Ham19

5 drast1k bLazE

6 SimbarocksONE

7 Adzzz37 x

8 TMS SORA +5 sec

9 Snypz SB +5 sec

10 SLR Corey

11 Riggsey x

12 AERT Finlay

13 raceroller22

14 MeRkz47

15 SparksYT15

16 SLR Medal2533

17 BRT Finn (DNF)

18 SLR Jam40 (DNF)

19 Kiki Juric (DNF)


Incident 1:

Riggsey vs Snypz - Lap 2 - Spinning Another Car

Outcome: 5s Time Penalty + 1LP to Snypz

Reason: We feel Snypz just carries to much speed into the corner and with Riggsey just following the train ahead with the nature of the track Snypz just sticks his nose in and causes the Collision with Riggsey

Incident 2:

SLR JAM vs TMS SORA - Lap 30 - Spinning Another Car

Outcome: 5s Time Penalty + 1LP to TMS Sora

Reason: Sora just sticks his nose in when it wasn't needed and causes Jam to Spin

Division 2

Zandvoort, a wonderful rollercoaster situation on the northern sea front of the Netherlands and home to the 12th Round of SLR season 11.


With the conditions being dry, the drivers were having to set up a little bit differently perhaps because of the potential threat of rain during the race.

And for the first time since September 8th, at round 8, Scar was beaten in qualifying, with last week's second fastest qualifier Gorzi taking pole by half a second. The 2 McLarens would also beat Scar, with Ski leading Coutinho in that battle before Scar in 4th. QWERTY would round out the top 5.

The Race

Intermediate conditions were applied as we head to the 5 red lights.

Gorzi would hold position into turn 1 with Scar getting past Coutinho and also having a look to the inside of Ski but not managing to go any further. Simon in the Alpine would have the worst experience at turn 1, causing the first VSC but not being out of the race.

You wouldn’t have to wait much longer for the second VSC, with Legend with the Ferrari dropping it out of turn 3 and losing a wheel meaning an early bath.

With 1 alpine having problems early on, the second Alpine of Adrian would find the wall a bit later than where Legend had found it 2 laps prior, becoming the second driver to retire from the race and dragging out the first full safety car period.

Lap 7 would restart the race with the top 5 being the same since lap 1.

Championship leader Beast was the next car out, retiring after contact with a name who I genuinely cannot figure out watching the race back, meaning a golden opportunity for everyone else to gain massive points in the championship race!

The Alpine disaster class would finally be out to an end, as Simon would retire on lap 12, bringing out the safety car and defining a race winning move.

Kirito took the chance as the only driver in the top pack to pit, going onto fresh inters and losing only 6 positions in the process.

JMC would commit utter war crimes on Kislesko on the restart, fully twatting the Aston Martin and letting Kirito have a free couple of positions. And he almost did it again, barely not putting Liam into the wall at turn 1.

Kirito’s charge would continue but before disaster struck again for the Merc of Scar (especially when Beast doesn’t score well), hitting the death kerb was the start of the problem, before being tagged by GEF causing Haze to lose a wing and even more chaos.

JMC would be the next car to retire in the pits, relieving every driver of there fears of being murdered.

Kirito’s charge would be complete on lap 20, taking the lead from Gorzi.

The next phase of this race was actually kinda boring as cars couldn’t just have the difference to make an overtake but at the same time cars managing their tyres to not hit puncture range.

ThatGuy would get onto the podium places overtaking Gorzi and Ski, as old tyres hit 29 laps old and finally making the move, and any pit stops would be onto the inters as the dries were not working.

Coutinho would be the first to bite the bullet and pit from 30 lap old tyres before pole man Gorzi would suffer the same fate, also picking up a 5 second penalty in the process.

Ski’s podium hopes would come to an end with Liam elevating himself to P3, and a puncture as he came across the chequered flag.

But across the chequered flag first would be Kirito, a strategic masterclass and take the full 25 points. ThatGuy would take second from the back row of the field and Liam would claim a double red bull podium.

And with that and still no championship lead change, SLR prepares to head to the Temple of Speed and face the Tifosi at Monza!


Pole Lap: 1:08.214

1 Gorzi

2 Ski Fee

3 TCP Coutinho 10

4 Scar B0rga


6 SLR Liamm

7 FRL Kirito

8 PxrpHaze 44

9 Simon37M

10 Adrian VIII

11 LSW L3G3ND44

12 UKBeastAssassin

13 GoldenEggFryer

14 Active JMC

15 SLR Mash

16 Kislesko

17 SotierClock110

18 ZachIsBeast25

19 THATGUY691244



Fastest Lap: 1:17.099 Gorzi

1 FRL Kirito

2 SLR Liamm

3 Ski Fee

4 GoldenEggFryer

5 TCP Coutinho 10

6 Gorzi

7 Scar B0rga


9 ZachIsBeast25


11 THATGUY691244

12 Kislesko

13 SotierClock110

14 SLR Mash (DNF)

15 Active JMC (DNF)

16 PxrpHaze 44 (DNF)

17 Simon37M (DNF)

18 UKBeastAssassin (DNF)

19 Adrian VIII (DNF)

20 LSW L3G3ND44 (DNF)

JMC Vs Kislesko, JMC Vs Zach (lap 10) and JMC Vs Fryer - QB and 3LP to JMC for multiple collisions.

As we deemed each individual incident warranted a 5s time penalty these have been added together to make a QB due to JMC’s DNF.

Beast retiring on track - QB and 3LP

Standard penalty for this infraction.

JMC Vs Zach (lap 17) - 2LP (due to DNF) to JMC for forcing another driver off track.

We deemed this incident to be less severe than previous ones involving Active JMC and so 2LP have been awarded.

Zach Vs Codzilla - NFA

Zach understeers into the side of Codzilla who has left just enough racing room for us to believe he was not at fault for this collision.

Fryer Vs Liam - NFA

Due to the conditions and the tightening nature of the circuit at the point where contact is made we believe that this is just a racing incident and so no penalties have been awarded.

Marsh Vs Simon - NFA

Simon rejoins the circuit in as safe a manner as possible. He has a gap to come back on and doesn’t affect anyone directly by doing so. The first corner of the first lap in wet conditions is always tricky and so some leeway has to be given as well. The spin from Simon is unfortunate, as is the resulting damage to Marsh but this is not an unfortunate coming together and so no drivers will receive penalties for this.

Division 3


Pole Lap: 1:09.491

1 BadOtterTV

2 legendarydannyd

3 SSR Halo

4 ChicknRosery

5 SLR Hicklin

6 SLR Moley

7 SLR Vettel

8 Starsorphan6

9 SLR Leah

10 l 21 l Maxwell

11 HuskySaturn1943


Fastest Lap: 1:11.918

1 legendarydannyd

2 SLR Moley

3 BadOtterTV

4 Starsorphan6

5 SSR Halo

6 SLR Vettel

7 l 21 l Maxwell

8 SLR Leah

9 SLR Hicklin

10 HuskySaturn1943

11 ChicknRosery (DNF)

No incidents reported.



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