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Division 1


Pole Lap: 01.19.357

1. SimbarocksONE

2. KevinGT9389

3. LeviKing16

4. SparksYT15

5. Tornado0333

6. ShutMedal

7. SLR Liamm

8. ZachIsbeast25

9. Evoke Replays

10. Riggsey x

11. MeRkz47

12. Coue a Benz


14. SLR Quattro

15. SLR Bennet3810


1. KevinGT9389

2. LeviKing16

3. Riggsey x

4. SimbarocksONE

5. ShutMedal

6. SparksYT15

7. SLR Liamm

8. MeRkz47

9. SLR Quattro

10. Coupe a Benz +5 sec

11. ZachIsBeast25

12. Evoke Repalys


14. Tornado0333 (DNF)

15. SLR Bennett3818 (DNF)

ZachIsBeast25 - Lap 9 - Dangerous Driving

Outcome : NFA

SLR Liamm vs Shutmedal - Lap 1 Spinning Another Car

Outcome: 5s Time Penalty and 1 LP to Coupe a Benz

Reasoning: With the clips submitted its clear that Coupe a benz broke well to late and hit the back of shutmedal which then causes 2 cars to spin

Division 2

Round 15 saw us head to the temple of speed, Monza for what proved to be a very interesting race.

Qualifying was a battle of our championship protagonists as J Lee Menz took pole position. SLR CHARLIE was right beside him on the front row.

The race itself proved to be less than ideal for J Lee Menz. He was amongst the front runners for the majority of the race, until a incident with Adrian VIII saw him sustain damage. Menz crossed the line in P8.

Whereas for SLR Charlie he managed to come home in second place and close the gap to Menz in the standings.

But who won you ask, that was Kislesko. The man who was given the win for Belgium in the stewards room. Came out and took Monza by storm. He was there to capitalise on others misfortunes and secure the win on track. SLR Moley crossed the line in 3rd to complete the podium.


Pole Lap: 01.19.692

1. J Lee Menz


3. Scar Borga

4. Kislesko

5. Adrian VIII

6. SLR Jack

7. SotierClock110

8. GoldenEggFryer

9. LSW L3g3nd44

10. SLR Mash

11. SLR Moley

12. NET Mcdoodle

13. legendarydannyd

14. ARL PReDaToRZz


16. Wpui


Fastest Lap: 01.21.709 J Lee Menz

1. Kislesko


3. SLR Moley

4. Scar BOrga


6. legendarydannyd

7. SotierClock110

8. J Lee Menz

9. NET Mcdoodle

10. SLR Mash

11. GoldenEggFryer

12. F1ABQW3RTYYY +25 sec

13. SLR Jack

14. Adrian VIII (DNF)

15. Wpui (DNF)

16. LSW L3G3ND44 (DNF)

Incident 1:

GEF Vs QW3RTY - 10s and 2LP to QW3RTY for spinning another car.

Incident 2:

GEF Vs QW3RTY - 10s and 2LP to QW3RTY for causing a collision.

Incident 3:

Adrian Vs McDoodle - NFA

Adrian goes in deep and there is slight contact with McDoodle. However, there is no damage sustained and there is no effect on Adrian.

Incident 4:

Adrian Vs QW3RTY- 5s and 1LP for hitting another car.

QW3RTY brakes too late, hitting the back of Adrian.

Incident 5:

Adrian Vs Menz - NFA

Adrian turns in whilst Menz is still alongside, causing them both to spin.

Division 3


Pole lap: 01.19.822

1. Lenbau04

2. TAHTGUY691244

3. RRT AdamLee

4. BigBag92

5. SSR Halo

6. dRaSt1k bLazE

7. bl3in5121

8. SLR Xhaka

9. F1 Warhead

10. Fat Tes24

11. SLR Jams96


13. I Cxmzn I


15. CharlieDore06

16. TIR Haze

17. Chickn Rosery


Fastest Lap: 01.22.285 Lenbau04

1. TAHTGUY691244

2. RRT AdamLee

3. SSR Halo

4. dRaSt1k bLazE

5. F1 Warhead

6. Fat Ted24

7. TIR Haze

8. LenBau04

9. ChicknRosery


11. CharlieDore06 +5 sec

12. SLR James96

13. I Cxmzn I (DNF)


15. BigBag92 (DNF)

16. SLR Xhaka (DNF)

17. bl3in5121 (DNF)

Lap 1 incident involving TIR JustHaze & CharlieDore06

Outcome: 5s + 1LP to CharlieDore06

Reason: a lack of awareness from Charlie has caused this Penalty as he has not seen the cars going slower ahead, and so has hit the back of Haze, taking her out.

Lap 2 incident involving SLR James96 & TIRCODZILLA


Reason: again a lack of awareness under the Virtual Safety car, cod slams into the back of james who is going slowly to Match his delta.

Lap 16 incident involving dRaSt1k bLazE & ChicknRosery

Outcome: Warning to ChicknRosery

Reason: this would have been a harsh Penalty in the stewards view, as blaze has arrived on the scene he was not far enough alongside, and it did not lose him too much time. A warning to ChicknRosery however as we do believe more space should have been given when blaze did get more alongside and the arrows turn red.

Lap 16 incident involving Lenbau04 & I Cxmzn I

Outcome: 3LP to I Cxmzn I

Reason: a very poor re-entry to the track From Cxmzn has caused him to take out Lenbau, ruining his race. We have only decided to have 10s for this as we did not have a lot of evidence and so could not tell whether this was deliberate or not.

Qualifying Ban to TIRCODZILLA for accumulating 9LP (currently on 10).

Division 4


Pole Lap: 01.27.553

1. SmitHPDanX01

2. JPPGaming96

3. Yuigxhxma

4. Starsorphan6

5. I 21 I Maxwell

6. Pazuzu8195

7. Jrwim

8. SLR Hicklin

9. Stevobrick


11. SLR Russell


Fastest Lap: 01.21.910 SLR Hicklin

1. SmitHPDanX01

2. Pazuzu8195

3. I21I Maxwell


5. Starsorphan6

6. JPPGaming96

7. Jrwim

8. SLR Hicklin

9. Yuigxhxma

10. SLR Russell (DNF)

11. Stevobrick (DNF)

Incident 1: KxmiiShouko and WimenLex - Lap 9, Forcing another driver wide

Outcome: Racing incident

Reason: The stewards agreed that Wimenlex was on the racing line and did not purposefully deviate from this, and more understeer outwards slightly. KxmiiShouko over corrects when contact is felt which results in him running wide, and then losing the rear and spinning across the track.


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