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HamJam2002 took pole and victory at Monza to put pressure on championship leader JamHam. After starting 14th Hoopolicious took a brilliant P2 in what was a crucial recovery drive as he also closes the gap in the championship.

Crispy took third after ZyDRAD received a post race penalty from the stewards.

Raceroller finished P4 capitalising from incidents towards the end of the race.

Despite contact with Zy, Jam recovered to 5th to limit the damage done to his championship lead.

V2 finished 6th in a strong showing for the Aplha Tauri team. Beast came in 7th to secure another stronger points finish for the Haas team.

After his penalty Zy finished 8th, a slightly unfortunate result after catching traffic in quali and leading a large portion of the race.

Ghost Colt recovered from 16th on the grid for another points finish in 9th.

Kevin rounded out the points in 10th to make it a double points finish for merc.

There was only 1 retirement this week and only 1 incident so another clean race, well done all.

Next week we head to Singapore for another night race, will we see another twist in the championship under the lights at Marina Bay.


Pole Lap: 01.26.944

1. Hamjam

2. Crispy2001


4. xx JamHam Xx

5. Flembog

6. PSR Freeman

7. V2 x Combat

8. TommyReal22

9. raceroller22

10. PaRa Quickz

11. UKBeastAssassin

12. KevinGT9389

13. bezzas1

14. Hoopoliciuos

15. Nikii1099

16. Gho3t Colt

17. SLR Southerner

18. SYNC Rayner

19. LP Smoke


1. HamJam

2. Hoopolicious

3. Crispy2001

4. raceroller22

5. xX JamHam xX

6. v2 X Combat

7. UKBeastAssassin

8. ZyDRAD + 15 sec

9. gho3t COLT

10. KevinGT9389

11. PSR Freeman

12. TommyReal

13. bezzas1

14. PaRa Quixkz

15. SLR Southerner

16. LP SMoke

17. Flembog

18. Nikii1099

19. SYNC Rayner (DNF)

JamHam vs Zydrad Lap 24 incident

15 seconds 3LP penalty to Zydrad.

The stewards feel in this incident the driver hasn’t left any room for the jamham coming into the corner. Zydrad comes across the track following the racing line and creates contact causing the spin.

The Temple of Speed, the Italian Grand Prix at Monza just inside Milan would be the host of the 15th round of the SLR Season 6 championship in Division 1. Speed is the priority here as cars reach 220mph with the right strategy and power, setups would be finely tuned to accommodate the engine power and maximise it on the straights, it was going to be a quick weekend at the track that has the fastest average lap.

Qualifying was all about finding the perfect execution, a track built mostly out of long straights and tight chicanes, striking the balance between outright speed with grip in the slow traction zones, and it was all going to plan for the championship leader BrindyBoi67 in qualifying, as he would add another pole to his collection for the season, setting a 1:18.213 in Q3, only +0.024 faster than CechThisOut who gave the home support something to cheer about with putting the Ferrari on the front row, and Riggsey x a further +0.077 back in the Renault heading the second row. A closely knit qualifying between the top 3 and with Championship protagonists SillyBunny47711 and Babatunde Sr start P4 and P6 respectively, with the post quali results, it looked to be shaping up an interesting race as we close out the European stage and into the final flyaways

The race itself however, would throw the drivers a massive curveball as it started to rain so light, a mere drizzle of rain before the race would dampen the track and change the structure of the race start, but it wasn’t heavy enough for the intermediate or wet tyres, drivers would be taking the start, on the damp circuit, with slick tyres, as they would be deemed fastest in the unique conditions. Heating up the tyres on the Formation Lap was greatly emphasised and more crucial than ever with the rain making it a cause for concern when finding grip in the early stages.

The lights would go out and the race would almost go into a VSC period almost immediately as we saw mayhem unfold on the running into T1. Broadcast angles showed both CechThisOut and Riggsey x get the better of BrindyBoi67 on the start, who had a slight touch of wheelspin and lost out into the chicane, braking hard for the first time in the conditions was always a tricky affair, but for SLR Connor, SillyBunny47711 and Coupe a Benz, as they would all be involved in contact and with the destruction of the brake markers on the left hand side, the collision would see the Williams driver be facing the oncoming traffic into the braking zone, and this would bring out the VSC.

As soon as the race got back underway, there was a raging battle going on at the front as lap 2 saw all three leaders, Cechthisout, Riggsey x and BrindyBoi67 all go for the lead into the 2nd chicane, going three wide and in a move that would see the Williams driver go deep on the brakes and with the conditions always going to be against him, would have to resume P3, but with SLR Vandoorne creeping into the mix.

A big note would be the positions gained for Lewisod, already up 10 by the end of lap 2 and competing with the front 4 as well as SLR Semm and SLR Liam up 8 and 9 respectively during this period as well, as they would look to take advantage of the early race contact and make up positions as the cars would skate along the damp for some, but others would always find the grip in conditions that proved difficult and challenging for all.

Lap 6 would see SLR Vandoorne go for the move on the championship leader on the outside going into the second chicane, but contact would lead to the Williams driver into a spin and SLR Vandoorne would lose time. Almost in the same area, the battle for the lead would take a massive swing in the favour of Riggsey x as Cechthisout had the slightest push on the throttle on the lines in a move that saw his Ferrari head into the wall and sustain front wing damage, allowing the Renault driver through and into the clean air as both looked to be very matched on pace in the early stages. In the midst of the changes at the front, this also allowed Lewisod, Semm and Babatunde all to capitalise on the misfortunes of those in front and with the rain ever so slightly letting up, it would be a difficult decision to make in terms of strategy and tyre selection.

CechThisOut pitted for another set of softs on lap 8 to minimise the lost time for damage and this could propel him back up through the order, however, would have to pit again. The rain would begin to fade out and stop entirely at the end of the first pit window so those who opted to stretch out their soft stint would become massive benefactors in the strategical race, as the pitlane would be active during Lap 11-12 of the race.

TIR Jason opted to go longest on his softs in a move that would see him remain in a net p2, however, would find himself 2 cars behind the race leader as the efforts to close the gap hit a blip with Bennett628 and ARL PReDaToRZz starting on the mediums in the damp conditions, making the most out of the alternate strategy. Cechthisout would pit at the end of lap 16 and the battle for P2 would properly open up between TIR Jason, Lewisod and Babatunde Sr, and with SLR Semm putting on the charge, would try and get involved as well. This would all prove interesting as nobody could really determine how it would unfold as it was consistently changing and battles were frequent. And on lap 21, TazFw would have a crucial error on the Ascari chicane that would see him drop down the order after running in the points for Renault

After a mix of challenging conditions with dry tyres on a damp track on the start, to consistent battles up and down the field, the chequered flag would wave for Riggsey x, who took advantage in the damp wet to dry conditions and capitalise on CechThisOut’s mistake on Lap 6 to build a sustainable gap and take his second win of the season ahead of fellow championship rival Babatunde Sr in the Mercedes, with Lewisod, after starting P15 and with a lightning start and this demonstration of skill to find the grip and speed in the early stages of the race played an integral part in his final racing position, as all three drivers would stand aloft on the unique Monza Podium


Pole Lap: 01.18.213

1. BrindyBoi67

2. CechThisOut

3. Riggsey x

4. SillyBunny47711

5. Coupe a Benz

6. Babatunde SR422

7. SLR Connor

8. SLR Vandoorne

9. SLR McKeon

10. TIR Jason

11. TazFW

12. JibJab325

13. bennett628

14. LegendaryDannyD

15. Lewisod

16. SLR Semm

17. SotierClock110

18. SLR Liamm

19. ARL PReDaToRZz

20. Camo432


1. Riggsey x

2. Babatunde SR422

3. JibJab325

4. SLR Semm

5. CechThisOut

6. TIR Jason


8. SLR Liamm

9. Lewisod +15 sec

10. bRINDYbOI67

11. bennett628

12. Coupe A bENZ

13. TazFW

14. SillyBunny47711

15. SotierClock110

16. SLR Vandoorne +15 sec

17. Camo432

18. LegandaryDannyD

19. SLR McKeon

20. SLR Connor (DNF)

SLR Vandoorne vs Brindy

The Stewards believe that Vandoorne spins Brindy going into the the right hander. The move is no longer on, coming into the chicane they are side-by-side however upon exiting Vandoorne is clearly behind Brindy but continues to persist with the overtake. This persistence leads to Brindy being spun by Vandoorne, with Vandoornes tyre touching Brindys preventing Brindy from doing anything else, despite trying to leaving space.

Vandoorne to receive 15 seconds and 3 licence points

SLR Vandoorne vs Lewis

The Stewards belive that the move attempted by Vandoorne is very much on. Lewis made a mistake allowing Vandoorne to be beside Lewis, Lewis fails to leave adequate room resulting in a spin.

Lewis receives 15 seconds and 3 license points

SLR Connor vs SillyBunny4771 vs Coupe Benz

The stewards believe that the crash that occurred before turn 1 was a racing incident. The conditions are adverse meaning that Bunny gets a poor start as well as there being far less grip and visibility than usual. The drivers are struggling for grip, and a 4 wide situation materialises. No one driver is responsible for the ensuing crash, with a small bit of contact between Bunny and Connor (both drivers having cars either side of them) leading to a much larger crash.

The mixture of conditions with drivers trying to leave each other room and being 4 wide on a particular part of the track that is very tight leads to the crash. The Stewards believe no one person is at fault for causing the incident and just unfortunate for all involved.

In Division Two at the Temple of Speed we saw a much more enjoyable race with fewer incidents on track and it seemed a rather clean race on the whole. Let’s hope for more of the case in Singapore next weekend!

Anyways, a topsy-turvy qualifying with all sorts of conditions ended up seeing rockamad73 take pole for the first time since Canada, by a whole 6 tenths of a second! Teammate craigfk started alongside whilst SLR Teddy rounded off the top 3.

A wet Q2 meant free tyre choice for the race, and that is what happened as the top 5 all went soft however the notable mentions starting on the mediums was SLR Leah, OwenHowell36 and his reserve teammate for the week J Lee Menz.

Off the start it was nice and simple but we saw plenty of twists to the tale, examples being LSW L3G3ND44’s spin after the first chicane, SLR Leah’s near miss with the barriers at Ascari and the very notable collision under a safety car between craigfk and SLR FemPest.

On track in the end however the Renault’s took their 1-2 in quali to the chequered flag in the same formation, however craigfk did get a penalty for that incident under the safety car. That meant that he dropped to P6, promoting SLR FemPest and SLR Panther into Positions 2&3 respectively. OwenHowell36 took P4 and J Lee Menz P5 completing the drivers gaining from craigfk’s penalty.

The remainder of the points scorers were SLR Leah, dRaSt1k bLazE, SLR Hicklin and LSW L3G3ND44 after a 10 second penalty for SSR Halo saw him drop to 11th.

After all of that, we would say it was a rather clean race on the whole, and we look forward to Singapore next weekend!


Pole Time: 1:18.507

1. rockamad73

2. craigfk

3. SLR Teddy

4. SLR FemPest

5. SLR Panther

6. SLR Leah

7. OwenHowell36

8. LSW L3G3ND44

9. J Lee Menz

10. dRaSt1k bLazE

11. ZachIsBeast25

12. SLR Hicklin

13. SLR b33n

14. OG James 96

15. SSR Halo (DNF)


17. LazyPeanut23 (QB)


Fastest Lap: 1:21.526 - FZR IGOR

1. rockamad73

2. SLR FemPest

3. SLR Panther

4. OwenHowell36

5. craigfk (+10s)

6. J Lee Menz

7. SLR Leah

8. dRaSt1k bLazE

9. SLR Hicklin

10. LSW L3G3ND44

11. SSR Halo (+10s)


13. SLR Teddy

14. LazyPeanut23

15. OG James 96 (DNF)

16. SLR b33n (DNF)

17. ZachIsBeast25 (DNF)

LazyPeanut23 - Jump Start

Outcome: 2 LP awarded to LazyPeanut for a Jump Start

Reason: A breach of the starting procedure. The 2LP are gained for jumping the lights at the start and not immediately giving back the positions to other cars on the grid who did follow the start lights procedure.

OG James vs SLR Halo - Squeezing w/ Damage (lap 24)

Outcome: 10s + 2LP awarded to SSR Halo

Reason: SSR Halo attempts an overtake at the Ascari Chicane, making a move up the inside, however the stewards felt he had moved across on James in the braking zone, giving him minor wing damage in the process.

SLR Fempest vs Craigfk - SC Incident (lap 5)

Outcome: 20s + 4LP awarded to Craigfk

Reason: Craig is overtaken before the SC comes out, and then all of Teddy, Fempest and Craig are over the SC delta. This leads to Fempest and Teddy slowing to reduce their speed and maintain a correct delta. Craig is also below the delta time, and with room to the car behind, should ultimately have slowed himself to create a reasonable gap to the car behind. The stewards felt that he had enough opportunity to do so in the time between the SC being deployed, and him running into the back of Fempest. As Craig is the car behind, it is ultimately his responsibility to avoid running into the back of the car in front - just as it was Fempest’s responsibility to do the same behind Teddy.

No leniency will be given in this instance to keep in line with the many other incidents of a similar nature this season where no leniency has been given.

Division 3 rolled into the temple of speed at Monza in Italy for race 15 and it was SLR Dolph1n that took pole position with SLR Dodgy joining him on the front row. SLR J3st3r and Lofty4794 made up the second row as the lights went red for the start. Down into T1 and SLR Dodgy took the inside line to muscle his way through into P1 as there was a 4 car sandwich at T2 as SLR Dolph1n was squeezed wide with SLR Hyperz being forced onto the grass as Lofty4794 made his way into P2. SLR Hyperz was unfortunate to be forced wide and picked up a 10 second penalty for his efforts. By the second chicane pole sitter SLR Dolph1n had been pushed back into P6 as SLR Gareth and X J Geddes X had both made moves past him. Into the first Lesmo and SLR spr1tley had a coming together with Vision2614 and ended up in the wall with terminal damage ending his race before it even started bringing out the safety car. SLR J3st3r decided to make an early stop onto the hard tyres as he looked to try and maximise the undercut later in the race. Lap 4 and SLR Dodgy restarted the race with Lofty4794 in P2 and SLR Gareth in P3. It was the first Lesmo that then saw another casualty as I Cxmzn I crashed out of the race which then brought a VSC and still we had no full racing yet. Lap 5 and we were underway again and SLR C0w3n made a move into P4 passing SLR Dolph1n with SLR Charlie1 biting behind in P7.

Ascari then saw SLR Russell and GrumpyOrange976 go wheel to wheel with SLR Russell taking P7 and GrumpyOrange976 having to go wide off circuit to avoid a crash. By lap 6 SLR Dolph1n claimed P4 back from SLR C0w3n at T1 and GrumpyOrange976 took P7 back from SLR Russell who got the exit to Ascari all wrong. SLR Russell then undone all his good early work the following lap again at Ascari spinning out but was able to re-join in P16. Lap 8 and Lofty4794 was the first of the leaders to show his hand opting for an earlier stop with SLR Gareth taking P2 and SLR dolph1n P3. Lap 10 and SLR Russell fell victim of Ascari for the 4th time and this time it was terminal damage as he retired from the race in P18 while GrumpyOrange976 also lost control at Ascari but saved it brilliantly with a full 360 and back to racing. The end of lap 10 then saw SLR Gareth from P2 and SLR Charlie1 from P4 both make their pitstops as race leader SLR Dodgy opted to stay out longer as SLR Dolph1n made his way into P2 and SLR Nealix up into P3. Lap 11 then saw both SLR Dodgy and SLR Dolph1n come into pit as SLR Nealix took he race lead. SLR Dodgy and SLR Dolph1n both coming out in P9 and P10 with work to do after being undercut by a handful of drivers. Lap13 and SLR Dodgy capitalised on a mistake from Lofty4794 to take P7 at the Lesmos. Lap 14 then saw SLR Dodgy make up another place as he capitalised on DRS to make it into P6 past SLR Colden before T1 as Lofty4794 had catastrophic pedal failure on his brakes as he ploughed straight over T1 and T2.

Lap 15 then saw Lofty4794 retire from the race as SLR Dolph1n had to avoid a crash with his teammate as SLR St20h decided to pit with SLR Dolph1n trying an overtake up the inside. Lap 18 then saw leader SLR Nealix make his stop from mediums onto softs as SLR J3st3r who made a lap 1 pitstop onto hard tyres was now leading by over 8 seconds with 10 laps to go. Into lap 21 and SLR Dolph1n who had been chipping away at SLR Dodgy made a pass into P2 at T1 as he went on the hunt for SLR J3st3r. Before the end of lap 21 and the rain started to fall which could cause issues for the drivers as SLR J3ster maintained a 7 second lead. Lap 23 then saw disaster for SLR J3st3r as he had a collision with back marker Vision2614 getting wing damage in the process and losing his big lead as it dropped down to 5.5 seconds with 5 laps to go. The penultimate lap then saw SLR dolph1n make his move on SLR J3st3 into P1 at Ascari a SLR Dodgy had to slow down to avoid contact with the pair as the race was heading for a 1 lap shootout for the win. Onto the final lap and SLR Dodgy took P2 on the main straight as SLR Gareth in P4 was closing the gap down to the top 3. As the race concluded it was SLR Dolph1n that took his first SLR win with SLR Dodgy in P2 and SLR Gareth taking the final podium place. SLR Nealix was in P4, SLR J3st3r was P5, SLR Charlie1 P6, I21I Maxwell P7, SLR C0w3n P8, SLR Colden in P9 and GrumpyOrange976 P10.


Pole Lap: 01.19.339


2. SLR Dodgy

3. SLR J3st3r

4. Lofty4794

5. SLR Gareth

6. SLR Hyperz

7. SLR Charlie

8. SLR C0w3n


10. x J Geddes x

11. SLR Nealix

12. Aflyinglemon318


14. SLR Russell

15. I21I Maxwell

16. Vision

17. GrumpyOrange


19. SLR St2oH

20. scott85Laney


Fastest Lap: 01.22.467 Scott85Laney


2. SLR Dodgy

3. SLR Gareth

4. SLR Nealix

5. SLR J3st3r

6. SLR Charlie

7. I21I Maxwell

8. SLR C0w3n


10. GrumpyOrange

11. SLR St2oH

12. Scott85Laney

13. x j Geddes x +20 sec

14. Aflyinglemon318

15. SLR Hyperz

16. Vision (DNF)

17. Lofty4794 (DNF)

18. SLR Russell (DNF)



Incident - Sprightly vs Vision

Outcome - No Further Action.

Reason - The two drivers slightly tap wheels but the game’s terrible contact system causes sends vision spinning into sprightly which in turn gives sprightly terminal damage, very unlucky for both drivers.

Incident - J3st3r vs Vision

Outcome - 20 Seconds and 4LP to Vision (Quali ban due to DNF)

Reason - Vision is on fresh softs and J3st3r is on old hards. Vision elects to unlap himself before ascari which he is entitled to do, so no penalty is issued for his driving leading up to the contact with J3st3r. However, Vision then decides to brake on the start finish straight directly in front of J3st3r. Braking on the straight like this is extremely dangerous and Vision is lucky to only cause relatively small damage to J3st3r.

Incident - Gareth vs Geddes

Outcome - 20 Seconds and 4LP

Reason - Geddes is driving irresponsibly behind Gareth and inexcusably hits Gareth twice under safety car. He is lucky as Gareth is only given one penalty.

Geddes - qualifying ban for reaching 10 LP



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