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Jeddah Appeals

Appeal 1 (F2)


Stewards Decision - NFA

Panel Decision - 15s and 3lp to Corey

The panel reviewed the evidence and contested the position of the stewards, and that Corey could've slowed down to avoid contact. Contact was made, spinning Darnell to the wall and blocking Crispy in the process in what was argued an avoidable incident

Appeal 2 - (D2) - (TBD)

Legend and Raptor

Stewards Decision - 10s and 2lp

Panel Decision - 5s and 1lp

The panel reviewed the statements provided and felt that although there was more blame on legends side with level of awareness, there was enough space for Raptor to work with. The panel felt the magnitude of the penalty was excessive and have reduced it

Appeal 3 (D2) - (TBD)

Legend and Fryer

Stewards Decision - 15s and 3lp

Panel Decision - NFA

The panel assessed the evidence provided and agreed that there was no time for Legend to react to the unfolding incident ahead, and Fryer bringing his car to a halt to avoid this, there was no blame to be apportioned between the drivers in this instance, NFA

Appeal 4 (D2)

Jack and Morris

Stewards Decision - 5s and 1lp

Panel Decision - 5s and 1lp

The panel agreed with the stewards in the sense that this move was completed off track on the outside of T4 and that the place should've been returned. The Applied Penalty was appropriate for this incident

Appeal 5 (D2)

Moley and Clock

Stewards Decision - 10s and 3lp

Panel Decision - NFA

The panel reviewed the evidence and reached the conclusion that Clock braked for T13 earlier than expected on the inside and not caused by Moley from behind

Appeal 6 (D2) - TBD

Raptor and Clock

Stewards Decision - 10s and 3lp

Panel Decision - 10s and 3lp

The panel assessed the incident and concluded that despite Turns 1 and 2 having their own incident ahead, Raptors closing speed was too excessive going into the corner, and resulting in Clock being spun round by Raptor

Appeal 7 (D4)

Harvey and St2oh

Stewards Decision - 10s and 3lp

Panel Decision - 10s and 3lp

The panel agreed with the stewards in terms of penalty for this incident, and reasoning that Harvey was always going for an ambitious move around the outside of T16 that resulted in taking themselves and St2oh out of contention at this point


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