This week arrive at the iconic circuit SPA Francorchamps for round 9 of season 7. Qualifying saw a carlin front row lockout with Benster taking pole position number 2 of the season with teammate SLR Ham alongside, great job for the virtuosi of Semm to qualify P3 but his teammate SLR Corey starting down in P15, the championship leader needing a mega recovery drive.
The sprint saw Trident lock out the front row with OwenHowell on pole position with teammate SLR Dodgy alongside, is this going to be Tridents Day in the spotlight? Big incident at the start with contact between Semm and Menz saw semm round and taking the hitech of Bennett with him meaning both of their races over just as quick as it got started. Great first lap for F1ABQW3RTYYY as he overtook both tridents to take the lead. Ham made great progress in the opening laps making his way into the top 4. SLR Dodgy would put ip a great fight against F1ABQW3RTYY and Dodgy would now take the lead with teammate Owen unfortunately spinning out ☹. A great 3-way battle for the lead now with Ham and Southerner both wanting the win along with SLR Dodgy brilliantly holding them off. It wouldn’t take long for SLR Corey to get involved in this battle as he is up to 4th from 15th on the grid and all over the back of championship rival SLR Ham. Ham would slide his way past SLR Dodgy and up to 2nd. A bad day for SLR EVVO would come to an end unfortunately bringing out the SC and we would be in for an epic final few laps. Back underway and Corey wouldn’t wait too long as he makes his way past SLR Dodgy and now wants to join the lead battle of Southerner who is holding off Ham. But onto the last lap Ham would get his way past Southerner and into the lead but Corey also following his way through, they would go all the way to the final corner, but Ham holds off Corey to take the victory with SLR Southerner taking the final podium spot.
The main event is underway with the 2 carlins battling out going into le combs and SLR Ham takes the lead from teammate. An epic first lap from SLR Corey going from 15th to P6 by the end of the opening lap wanting to make up from a poor qualifying. Benster’s opening laps would continue to get worse as he would be overtaken by UKBeastAsassin and Semm meaning he was down to 4th. The weather gods had other ideas though as the rain started to fall very lightly. A tasty little 3-way battle for 4th would see SLR Southern pass Benster with Corey sticking to the back of Benster. UKBeastAssassin using his soft tyres to his advantage taking the lead from SLR Ham but this battle would continue long into the race. Beast’s softs however would begin to drop off and now Ham began to clear off out infront with Semm all over the back of Beast for 3rd. UKBeastAssassin would be the first front runner to box, and he would gamble for the wets, the rest around him would follow but for the soft tyre. Ham and Corey would box the lap after, with the Carlin of Ham going for softs but Corey going for the wets. Corey would be close to Southerner and Benster on exit, Southerner would get ahead but contact between Benster and Corey would see them both round and a SC would be brought out for one last time. SLR Ham would get us back underway with Semm behind. An action packed weekend would come to a close with SLR Ham doing the double in SPA with an excellent drive, Semm would come home for p2 for virtuosi and SLR Medal taking the final podium spot with a spectacular result for him.
A tough round for the championship leader SLR Corey as his lead is now brought down to 50 points to SLR Ham after a great weekend from the Carlin driver. Carlin’s lead at the top of the constructors now is extended to 26 points to virtuosi.
Next time out we return to the shanghai international circuit in China.
Until next time, have a good one folks.
Blogs driver of the round – SLR Medal: Medal showed great pace in the sprint, unfortunately getting caught up in an incident affected his result, but in the feature, he kept his cool and picked up a brilliant podium which will no doubt boost his confidence and showing he has the pace to fight for podiums regularly.
As you were, CM x
1 Benster2413 1:54.329
2 SLR Ham19
3 SemmF1
4 UKBeastAssassin
5 SLR Medal2533
6 SLR Southerner
7 SLR Allen
9 SLR Dodgy
10 OwenHowell36
11 J Lee Menz
12 SLR Bennett3810
13 Para Quickz
14 dRaSt1k bLazE
15 SLR Corey
16 SLR Barlow
18 WTurn3r
19 SLR Ranga
Sprint Race:
1 SLR Ham19
2 SLR Corey 1.56.621
3 SLR Southerner
4 Benster2413
5 SLR Dodgy
6 Para Quickz
8 J Lee Menz
9 UKBeastAssassin
10 OwenHowell36
11 SLR Barlow
12 SLR Allen
13 SLR Medal2533
14 SLR Bennett3810
15 dRaSt1k bLazE
17 SLR Ranga DNF
19 SemmF1 DNF
20 WTurn3r DNF
Feature Race:
1 SLR Ham19
2 SemmF1
3 SLR Medal2533
4 J Lee Menz
5 UKBeastAssassin
6 SLR Southerner 5s + 1LP
7 Para Quickz
8 SLR Dodgy
9 SLR Allen
10 SLR Corey
11 Benster2413 5s + 2LP
13 SLR Ranga
14 SLR Bennett3810
15 SLR Barlow
16 OwenHowell36
18 dRaSt1k bLazE
20 WTurn3r DNF
drast1k blaze vs F1ABQWERTY
Lap 1 - Feature
Verdict: NFA
F1ABQwerty has had to take evasive action from a collision in front this has lead to him dropping a wheel into the grass and spinning back into drast1k blaze who is unfortunately an innocent bystander within this lap 1 incident.
SLR Corey vs SLR Southerner
Lap 8 - Feature
Verdict: 5 second a 1 LP to SLR Southerner
When wanting to come into the pits Southerner has outbroke himself and then gone to pitlane cutting across of another driver who is on his outside giving in minor wing damage.
SLR Corey vs Benster2413
Lap 10 - Feature
Verdict: 5 and 1 LP to Benster2413
Benster2413 has misjudged the speed and rear ends SLR Corey after he’s come out of the pitlane and returned to normal speed.
SLR Corey vs SLR Southerner Lap 8 - Feature Verdict: 5 second a 1 LP to SLR Southerner
When wanting to come into the pits Southerner has outbroke himself and then gone to pitlane cutting across of another driver who is on his outside giving in minor wing damage.
SLR Corey vs Benster2413 Lap 10 - Feature Verdict: 5 and 1 LP to Benster2413
Benster2413 has misjudged the speed and rear ends SLR Corey after he’s come out of the pitlane and returned to normal speed.