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F2 Hungary

Qualifying: Pole: 1:28.758

1. SLR Freeman

2. UKBeastAssassin

3. HamJam2002

4. Dylan4626367

5. SillyBunny47711

6. Xx JamHam xX

7. codmaster1212

8. Il Division lI

9. GSR Pluto

10. OMH36

11. FJ Scopezz


13. icallum76

14. rockamad73

15. v MEX Tavo

16. Hicklin93

17. Lewisod

18. Il Monkeyy lI

19. MEX Fitzhejan

20. DSQ Evoke Replays – DSQ (Quali Ban)

Feature Race Results

Fastest Lap: 1:30.312

1. SLR Freeman

2. HamJam2002

3. SillyBunny47711

4. Evoke Replays

5. Il Division lI

6. UKBeastAssassin

7. codmaster1212

8. GSR Pluto

9. Lewisod


11. Dylan4626367

12. FJ Scopezz

13. MEX Fitzehejan

14. OMH36

15. Il Monkeyy lI

16. rockamad73

17. Xx JamHam xX

18. MEX Tavo – DNF

19. Hicklin93 – DNF

20. iCallum76 - DNF

Sprint Race Results

Fastest Lap: 1:30.914

1. Codmaster1212

2. GSR Pluto

3. UKBeastAssassin

4. Evoke Replays

5. Il Division lI

6. Dylan4626367

7. SillyBunny47711

8. Lewisod


10. Xx JamHam xX

11. SLR Freeman

12. FJ Scopezz

13. MEX Fitzhejan

14. HamJam2002 + 15 seconds

15. Hicklin93

16. MEX Tavo

17. OMH36 + 30 seconds

18. rockamad73

19. icallum76 - DNF

20. Il Monkeyy Il - DNF

Sprint Race Incidents:

HamJam2002 vs SLRFreeman

OUTCOME: 15 seconds and 2 LP for Ham

REASON: spinning another car

Il Monkey lI vs OMH36

OUTCOME: 30 seconds and 5 LP for OMH

REASON: causing terminal damage

rockamad73 vs OMH36

OUTCOME: Racing incident

REASON: OMH36 spins on his own


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