Welcome to Round 6 of the SLR F2 season as we hit the half-way point of the season! It was a round dominated by 3 names in particular, and those were the 3 in the above picture, raceroller22, SLR Corey & SLR Medal2533. As the championship battle roars on, who was best off in the Ardennes and were any inroads made in the standings?
Pole Time: 1:55.517
1. SLR Corey
2. SLR Medal2533
3. raceroller22
4. UKBeastAssassin
5. SLR Southerner
6. Coupe a Benz
7. OwenHowell36
9. Petronas34
10. TeH Punisher946
11. BMidzy
12. Freedomscot1875
13. Nightowl0208735
14. Baggiefan 1995
16. SLR Dodgy
Sprint Race
Fastest Lap: 1:57.483 - SLR Medal2533
1. raceroller22
2. SLR Corey
3. SLR Medal2533
4. Nightowl0208735
5. UKBeastAssassin
6. SLR Southerner
7. Coupe a Benz
8. Petronas34
9. Freedomscot1875
11. Baggiefan 1995
13. OwenHowell36
14. SLR Dodgy
15. TeH Punisher946 (DNF)
16. BMidzy (DNF)
No incidents submitted.
Feature Race
Fastest Lap: 1:56.592 - SLR Corey
1. SLR Corey
2. raceroller22
3. SLR Medal2533
4. UKBeastAssassin
5. SLR Southerner
6. Nightowl0208735
7. Coupe a Benz
9. Petronas34
10. OwenHowell36
11. Baggiefan 1995
12. Freedomscot1875
13. SLR Dodgy (DNF)
14. BMidzy (DNF)
16. TeH Punisher946 (DNF)
Ticket # 279 - Lap 1 incident involving Nightowl0208735 & BMidzy
Verdict: Racing Incident
Detail: The stewards do not deem this to be forcing another driver off the track from BMidzy. Nightowl willingly puts himself on the outside and astro. Midzy simply takes the line as you'd expect, with the cars bunched track space is limited; a slight wheel bump is always expected here.
See you in 2 weeks as F2 take on their second double feature round of the season, with Hungary & Azerbaijan on the cards!