Baku proving to be the host of some memorable racing once again but I will continue of the pattern from last week and look forward and not backwards. In Baku some has things to forget and others have performances to remember but in Spain everyone could make it a good one, the opportunity is still there.
So what does Spain look like then? Last seasons winners was ILRT Bottas, MADESTGAMERBOSS and Dawziee and only Dawziee is still here to make that victory two in a row. But if we take a look on the all time standings for Spain its myself SotierClock110 who is the most successful Spain driver on 40 points, with Trapman49 behind on 33 points and BCT L3GENDS in third on 31 points. That makes me the most successful of current division 2 drivers, BCT L3GENDS of the current division 1 drivers and by the division 3 drivers Dawziee is the most successful current driver at 26 points.
And finally what could happen in Spain......
.....MacVeitch could reach 400 points if he get at least 24 points
.....ZachIsBeast25 could reach 300 points if he get at least 8 points
.....CallumMcKeon33 could reach 200 points if he score at least 1 points
.....SotierClock110 could do his 50th race in SLR
.....BCT L3GENDS could do his 50th race in SLR
.....CG Gibby could do his 20th race in division 1
.....NEDKLAW can do his 40th race in division 3 and in SLR
We top this race report off with a nice screenshot from LP Smoke at the start of the division 2 race

Division 1
1. Xx JamHam xX
3. Pricetag71
4. GeneralMarrow69
5. PrestoEvans
6. Racerfreeman10
7. HamJam2002
8. XRCrazedBear
9. Ryan Jones123
10. PaRa Quickz
11. ontothepodium
12. Midzy15
13. ERN Shoof
14. ERN David Storm
15. Evoke Replays
16. CaspitaV12 95
17. Beardboost
18. ERN Hampelexus
19. CG Gibby
20. Saxman24
Fastest Lap:01,40,935 Pricetag71
2. Pricetag71
3. GeneralMarrow69
4. ontothepodium
5. ERN Hampelexus
6. Saxman24
7. Racerfreeman10
8. Midzy15
9. CG Gibby
10. Ryan Jones123
11. PrestoEvans +5 sec
12. ERN David Storm
13. Xx JamHam xX (DNF)
14. Evoke Replays (DNF)
15. PaRa Quickz (DNF)
16. XR CrazedBear (DNF)
17. CaspitaV12 95 (DNF) +5 sec applied next race
18. HamJam2002 (DNF)
19. ERN Shoof (DNF)
20. Beardoost (DSQ)
CG Gibby vs CaspitaV12 95
OUTCOME: +5 sec 1LP CaspitaV12 95
REASON: unsporting behavior
Ryan Jones123 vs PaRa QuickZ
OUTCOME: racing incident
XR CrazedBear vs Ryan Jones123
OUTCOME: racing incident
REASON: instead of letting him through, take the penalty and record it.
Midzy15 vs Beardboost
OUTCOME: DSQ 10LP Beardboost
OUTCOME: -5 sec
REASON: wrongly given penalty
OUTCOME: +10 sec 1LP
REASON: resetting to track
Division 2
Pole Lap: 01,38,005
1. LP Smoke
2. UKBeastAssassin
3. Crispy2001
4. CCRL Senna
5. TheJocko
6. SotierClock110
7. Lugi2402
8. CG Gibby
9. SF1776
10. icallum76
11. MRC Loki
12. TopGooner1987
13. Counter1616
14. ARL PReDaToRZz
15. Entrusted21
16. IcemanLaim36
17. OrangeKrush192
18. MacVeitch
19. Counter1717
Fastest Lap: 01,42,780 Lugi2402
1. UKBeastAssassin
2. LP SMoke
3. SFF1776
4. Crispy2001
5. MRC Loki
7. Entrusted21
8. SotierClock110
9. CCRL Senna +15 sec
10. OrangeKrush192
11. IcemanLiam36
12. Lugi2402 (DNF)
13. TopGooner1987 (DNF)
14. CG Gibby (DNF)
15. icallum76 (DNF)
16. TheJocko (DNF)
17. MacVeitch (DNF)
18. Counter1717 (DNF)
19 Counter1616 (DNF)
TheJocko vs CCRL Senna
OUTCOME: +15 sec 2LP CCRL Senna
REASON: spinning another car
CG Gibby vs Lugi2405
OUTCOME: +15 sec Qualifying ban 2LP Lugi2405
REASON: pushing CG Gibby into the runoff which in Baku is a massive time loss
Division 3
Pole Lap: 01,39,274
1. ImYoungie
2. FatherCorn
3. WillR Howard
4. DaredPaul1986
5. Hicklin93
6. St2oH
7. SLR Nealix
8. IDarkXenonI
9. Dawziee
10. CallumMcKeon33
11. JON5Y
12. ZachIsBeast25
14. RUNthaJewels24
15. SLR Gareth
17. SLR Stevooo
18. ScottLaney85
Fastest Lap: 01,41,930 CallumMcKeon33
1. FatherCorn
2. CallumMcKeon33
3. Hicklin93
4. IDarkXenonI
5. ZachIsBeast25
6. Will R Howard
7. SLR Nealix -5 sec
8. St2oH
9. SLR Gareth
10. RUNthaJewels24
11. ScottLaney85
13. SLR Stevooo
16. JON5Y (DNF)
17. ImYoungie (DNF)
18. DaredPaul1986 (DNF)
19. Dawziee (DNF)
SLR Nealix
OUTCOME: -5 sec
REASON: wrongly given penalty