Right that's Canada done and sorry for a late report but due to myself turing 20 yesterday i was a bit, Ill call it busy. But again Ill skip the blog to get the report out asap now that its late so enjoy everyone and see you in France.
Pole Lap: 01.07.799
1. HamJam2002
2. Xx JamHam xX
3. bezzas1
4. SLR Freeman
5. SLR Smoke68
6. UKBeastAssassin
7. Saaa69
8. SLR Dacey
9. Jito DV
10. Crispy2001
11. gho3t COLT
12. BDunk
13. ZyDRAD
14. SLR Dylan
15. Snypz SB
16. Midzy15
17. Ryan Jones123
18. SLR Darnell
19. PaRa Quickz
20. MeRkz47
Fastest Lap: HamJam
1. HamJam2002
3. SLR Freeman
4. Xx JamHam xX
5. MeRkz47
6. Ryan Jones123
7. SLR Dylan
8. UKBeastAssassin
9. gho3t COLT
10. SLR Smoke68
11. Midzy15
12. Jito DV
13. Crispy2001
14. Snypz SB +30 sec
15. Saaa69
16. SLR Darnell (DNF)
17. SLR Dacey (DNF) +20 sec = Qualifying ban next race due to DNF
18. BDunk (DNF)
19. PaRa Quickz (DNF) +25 sec = Qualifying ban next race due to DNF
Snypz SB vs gho3t COLT
OUTCOME: +30 sec 5 LP Snypz SB
REASON: Causing terminal damage
SLR Darnell vs bezzas1
OUTCOME: +10 sec 2LP bezzas1
reason: Causing minor wing damage
PaRa Quickz vs bezzas1
OUTCOME: +15 sec 3 LP PaRa Quickz
REASON: Spinning another car
gho3t COLT vs SLR Darnell
OUTCOME: no action taken
SLR Smoke68 vs SLR Dacey
OUTCOME: +10 sec 2LP SLR Dacey
REASON: SLR Dacey squeezinf SLR Smoke68 into the wall
UKBeastAssassin vs PaRa Quickz
OUTCOME: +10 sec 2LP
REASON: Causing minor wing damage
ZyDRAD vs Snypz SB
OUTCOME: non action taken
saaa69 vs SLR Dacey
OUTCOME: +10 sec 2 LP SLR Dacey
REASON: Blocking qualifying lap
Division 1
Pole Lap: 01.10.582
1.SLR Niki
2. JH199
3. tooman3sweets
4. SLR Gooner
5. SillyBunny47711
6. SotierClock110
7. CechThisOut
8. SLR Kolka
9. II Division II
10. SLR McKeon
11. BrindyBoi67
12. SLR Liamm
13. JibJab325
14. Riggsey x
15. ARL PReDaToRZz
16. II Monkeyy II
17. zZSouthernerZz
18. ShaunGregory92
Fastest Lap: 01.09.817 JH199
1. SLR Niki
2. JH199
3. SLR Gooner
4. BrindyBoi67
5. SLR McKeon
6. SotierClock110
7. zZSouthernerZz
8. Riggsey x
10. SLR Liamm
11. tooman3sweets
12. JibJab325
13. ShaunGregory92 (DNF)
14. CechThisOut (DNF)
15. SillyBunny47711 (DNF)
16. SLR Kolka (DNS)
17. Il Division lI (DNS) (+10s next week)
18. Il Monkeyy lI (DNS)
tooman3sweets vs ShaunGregory92
- racing incident
- ShaunGregory92 is ahead going into the corner and left as much room as possible, but unfortunately you can’t fit 2 cars in that final chicane.
ARL PReDaToRZz vs Il Division lI
- +10s + 2LP
- blocking in qualifying
Division 2
Pole Lap: 01.08.913
1. DnK Rando18
2. SLR Connor
3. ChickeN FikR
4. bennett628
5. SLR Barlow
6. Original96
7. SLR Oenn
8. PlainTeddy24
9. ZachIsBeast25
10. Coupe a Benz
11. SLR Nealix
12. AG II Panther
13. SLR Semm
14. Hicklin93
15. Unbeatab1eAce
16. SLR icallum
17. MRC R Leah
18. SSR Halo
Fastest Lap: 01.10.343 PlainTeddy24
1. ZachIsBeast25
2. bennett628
3. MRC R Leah
4. SLR Nealix
5. Original96
6. SLR Barlow
7. Coupe a Benz
8. DnK Rando18
9. Unbeatab1eAce (quali ban next week)
10. SLR iCallum
11. AG ll Panther (+10s)
12. PlainTeddy24 (FL)
13. SSR Halo (DNF) (+15) (quali ban)
14. SLR Connor (DNF)
15. ChickeN FikR (DNF)
16. SLR Owenn (DNF)
17. Hicklin93 (DNF)
18. SLR Semm (DNF) (+15) (quali ban)
R Leah vs Halo
Outcome - Major Wing damage - 15secs 3LP for Halo
Reason - Goes straight into the back of Leah causing him to collide with the cars in front giving Orange wing damage
Original vs Bennet - Quali
Outcome - Warning for Bennet
Reason - be more aware of oncoming car’s track position
Original vs Panther
Outcome - 10secs and 3LP for Panther
Reason - Careless driving under the safety car. Penalty reduced due to panther getting damage. Please keep enough distance and take more under safety car to prevent these collisions. Drivers have been reminded about this multiple times.
Hicklin vs Semm
Outcome - spinning another car - 15secs and 3LP for Semm
Reason - Spinning another car. Dives past another car into the side of Hicklins car at the hairpin.
UnbeatableAce - Readying up early
Outcome - Quali Ban and 7LP
Reason - Readied up 2 mins early and before admins which would normally cause a lobby restart.
Division 3
Pole Lap: 01.09.338
1. SLR Dodgy
2. SLR Hyperz
3. JON5Y
4. craigfk
5. SLR Gareth
6. Crafti3stJ3st3r
7. RUNthaJewels24
9. Lofty4794
10. xJ GEDDES x
12. SLR St2oH
13. SLRDNFplum
14. I 21 I Maxwell
15. dingledolphin
17. Baggiefan 1995
18. Aflyinglemon318
19. DaredPaul1986
Fastest Lap: 01.12.049 SLR Hyperz
1. craigfk
2. SLR Dodgy
3. Crafti3stJ3st3r
4. SLR Gareth
5. SLR Hyperz
6. I 21 I Maxwell
8. x J GEDDES x
9. SLR St2oH
10. Scott85Laney
11. Lofty4794
12. SLR DNFplum
13. JON5Y
15. Aflyinglemon318
16. DaredPaul1986
17. dingledolphin86
18. Baggiefan 1995 +5 sec
19. RUNthaJewels24 (DNF)
Scott85laney vs Baggiefan 1995 (Lap 3)
OUTCOME: +5s 1LP Baggiefan 1995
REASON: Baggiefan 1995 runs into the back of Scott85laney causing his car to unsettle. Scott85laney then unfortunately loses control and picks up damage when putting the power back down.
DaredPaul1986 vs DingleDolphin86 (Lap 29)
OUTCOME: No further action
REASON: DaredPaul1986 hits the back of DingleDolphin86 after the pace of the drivers in front following the safety car drops. DaredPaul1986 does not have enough time to react and makes contact. Both drivers are driving too close to the cars in front and could have been avoided.
Note - Again please can you leave safer gaps while under safety car conditions to avoid these incidents in future.