Eftersom att min engelska får kritik lite här och var så beslutade jag mig för att göra mina ord om att skriva en rapport på svenska till handling. Antar det det här blir lite exklusivt för mig och Jito DV även om vissa andra från våra grannländer säkert kommer förstå en del också.
Nu hade tyvärr varken jag eller Jito någon tur i våra lopp men de hade dock vissa andra som t.ex. Xx JamHam xX som tjänade en placering på att SLR Freeman fick en bestraffning på 10 sekunder av domarna och han tappade därmed sin andraplats men fick vara kvar på podiet som 3:a. Vinnare blev HamJam2002.
Feel like I've given you enough of a headache now so i will continue in english now and good luck reading the above. In division 1 raceroller22 won ahead of zZSouthernerZz and SLR McKeon whilst SLR Niki managed an 2nd place in his final division 2 race before moving up a division. Won did bennett628.
Division 3 was SLR Dodgy and the 2 Red Bulls of SLR b33n and SLR Gareth behind him in 2nd and 3rd.
Right on to Monaco and lets see how many wings we can brake in one weekend of SLR ;)
Pole Lap: 01.14.225
1. SLR Freeman
2. HamJam2002
3. SLR Dacey
5. Xx JamHam xX
6. SLR Darnell
7. Crispy2001
8. GSR Axe
9. BDunk
10. gho3t COLT
11. SLR Smoke 86
12. saaa69
13. MeRkz47
14. SLR Dylan
15. Midzy15
16. Ryan Jones123
17. Snypz SB
Fastest Lap: 01.16.669 gho3t COLT
1. HamJam2002
2. Xx JamHam xX
3. SLR Freeman +10 sec
4. SLR Darnell
5. BDunk
6. Midzy15
7. MeRkz47
8. gho3t COLT
9. Snypz SB
10. saaa69
11. Ryan Jones123
12. SLR Smoke86
13. ZyDRAD
14. SLR Dylan
15. SLR Dacey +15 sec
16. Crispy2001 (DNF)
17. GSR Axe (DNF)
gho3t c0lt vs AI start
Decision: no action taken
REASON: gho3t c0lt given game glitch and nothing could be done
RyanJones 123 vs SLR Freeman
Decision: +10s + 2LP SLR Freeman
REASON: causing wing damage from a very ambitious move - could have been more severe but we have no evidence of how much damage. The second contact was deemed to be caused my lag so no penalty was given.
Crispy2001 vs SLR Dacey
Decision: 15s + 3LP SLR Dacey
REASON: unsafe rejoin, consequently causing major wing damage to Crispy.
Division 1
Pole Lap:01.14.729
1. Jito DV
2. KevinGT9389
3. raceroller22
4. SLR Kolka
5. zZSouthernerZz
6. SotierClock110
7. SLR McKeon
8. Riggsey x
9. I DarkXenon I
10. tooman3sweets
11. SLR ranga
12. JibJab325
13. JH199
14. II Monkeyy II
15. ARL PReDaToRZz
16. II Division II
17. SLR Liamm
18. SLR Owenn
19. SLR Morgan
20. SLR Gooner
Fastest Lap: 01.17.327 Jito DV
1. Raceroller22
2. zZSouthernerZz
3. SLR McKeon
4. SLR ranga
5. tooman3sweets
7. Jito DV
8. JibJab325
9. Riggsey x
10. II Division II
11. SLR Morgan
12. SLR Liamm
13. JH199
14. I DarkXenon I
15. SLR Gooner
16. SLR Owenn +10 sec
17. SLR Kolka (DNF)
18. II Monkeyy II (DNF)
19. KevinGT9389 (DNF)
20. SotierClock110 (DNF)
Division 2
Pole Lap: 01.15.090
2. SLR Connor
3. SLR Niki
4. bennett628
5. Original96
6. ChickeN FikR
7. DnK Rando18
8. PlainTeddy24
9. rockamad73
10. SLR Scopezz
11. SLR Barlow
12. SLR Nealix
13. Coupe a Benz
14. dRaSt1k bLazE
15. MRC R Leah
16. SSR Halo
17. ZachIsBeast25
18. AG II Panther
19. SLR icallum
20. Hicklin93
Fastest Lap: 01.18.761 SLR Niki
1. Bennett628
2. SLR Niki
3. MRC R Leah
4. DnK Rando 18
5. Coupe a Benz
6. SLR icallum
7. Hicklin93
9. SLR Scopezz
10. PlainTeddy24
11. SLR Nealix
12. Original96
14. AG II Panther
15. SLR Connor (DNF) +15 sec = qualifying ban for monaco due to DNF
16. ChickeN FikR (DNF)
17. SSR Halo (DNF)
18. rockamad73 (DNF)
19. dRaSt1k bLazE (DNF)
20. ZachIsBeast25 (DNF)
Hicklin vs Connor vs Scopez
Decision: Racing Incident
Reason: Hicklin lost control of the car after contact with Connor which resulted in the collision with Scopez and has not done anything that warrants a penalty
Blaze vs iCallum
Decision: Racing Incident
Reason: Blaze divebombs callum and when rejoining the track iCallum leaves enough room. The spin from Blaze is enough of a penalty thus the racing incident decision
Hicklin vs 5 sec pen
Decision: Penalty stands
iCallum vs 5 sec pen
Decision: Penalty stands
SLR Connor
Decision: Retiring on track - 15 seconds and 3LP. Quali ban for Monaco
R Leah vs Nealix
Decision: Causing minor wing damage - 2LP
Reason: Incident was seen in another clip. Due to the safety car coming out no time penalty was necessary.
Original vs Connor
Decision: No action taken
Reason: Drivers should take more care on pit exit.
Division 3
Pole lap: 01.16.300
1. JON5Y
2. SLR b33n
3. SLR Dodgy
4. Scott85Laney
5. Sphh
6. SLR Stevooo
8. SLR DNFplum
9. x J Geddes x
10. Crafti3stJ3st3r
11. Baggiefan 1995
12. SLR Jord
13. SLR Gareth
14. SLR St2oH
15. craigfk
16. Cal Smith F1
17. RUNthaJewels24
19. DaredPaul1986
20. dingledolphin
Fastest Lap: 01.18.851 SLR Stevooo
1. SLR Dodgy
2. SLR b33n
3. SLR Gareth
4. RUNthaJewels24
5. Scott85Laney
6. SLR DNFplum
7. DaredPaul1986
10. SLR Jord
11. JON5Y
12. dingledolphin
13. Cal Smith F1
14. Baggiefan 1995
15. x J Geddes x
16. SLR Stevooo +10 sec
17. Crafti3stJ3st3r
18. Sphh (DNF)
19. craigfk (DNF)
20. St2oH (DNF)
Crafti3stJ3st3r vs SLR Jord (Lap 31)
OUTCOME: Racing Incident
REASON: Crafti3stJ3st3r gets a slightly better exit out of turn 3 and attempts to go up the inside of SLR Jord. Crafti3stJ3st3r makes a very small steering adjustment to the left on the right hand corner making it look like Jord has cut across him however watching the POV from Jord he has only made one input and is starting to straighten up on the corner exit. Very slight contact is made but as it is a high speed corner this unfortunately causes Crafti3stJ3st3r to retire.
Sphh vs SLR Stevooo (Lap1)
OUTCOME: 10s +2LP SLR Stevooo
REASON: Causing minor wing damage. SLR Stevooo is on the far right of the track and moves to the far left when approaching turn 1 but makes contact with Sphh causing damage.