Appeal 1 (D3)
JP and Halo
Stewards - NFA
Panel - NFA
The panel reviewed the evidence provided and agreed with the stewards in this instance. The evidence provided was insufficient in providing a clear view of the incident, which was taken from a theatre camera, an onboard was not provided. The panel reviewed the clip and agreed that it was determined to be a concertina effect into T5 and that no driver was to blame and remains a racing incident.
Appeal 2 (M)
Finn and Corey
Stewards - 5s and 1lp to Finn
Panel - 5s and 1lp to Finn
The panel reviewed the evidence and onboards provided and agreed that although there was space on the inside for finn to make a move, the move was on and the panel discussed the contact between the two drivers. Finn had went for a gap that was there, and by doing so, the panel stated he then had the responsibility to make the corner safely, which he failed to do, and led to Corey cutting across the track. The panel said that the penalty stands.