After a lovely week off, SLR F1 returned this weekend and it returned to a rather wet Red Bull Ring. Round 5 of the Season takes us to Spielberg for the Austrian Grand Prix. With plenty of moisture in the air across the weekend, who was best fit to make a splash and climb the standings?
Pole Time: 1:09.649
1. SLR Corey
2. BladeZofIceYT
4. I Pluto74 I
5. SemmF1
6. raceroller22
7. SLR Darnell
8. Drastikblaze
9. SLR Jam40
10. FGE Atom77
11. THATGUY691244
12. SLR Ham19
13. SLR Liamm
14. Snypz SB
15. TTRE Runnered77
16. Nicholas Sampson
17. Arb0n EPA
Fastest Lap: 1:04.917 - SemmF1
1. SLR Corey
2. BladeZofIceYT
3. SLR Ham19
4. raceroller22
5. SLR Jam40
6. I Pluto74 I
8. Nicholas Sampson
9. FGE Atom77
10. THATGUY691244
11. TTRE Runnered77 (+3s)
12. SemmF1
13. SLR Liamm
14. Snypz SB (DNF)
15. Drastikblaze (DNF)
16. Arb0n EPA (DNF)
17. SLR Darnell (DNF)
Ticket # 264 - Lap 11 Incident involving FGE Atom77 & Snypz SB
Outcome: 1LP to Snypz SB
Reason: Snypz has gone deep into Turn 1, pushing Atom off the track and taking the position unfairly.
Ticket # 266 - Lap 36 incident involving raceroller22 & SLR Ham19
Outcome: No Further Action
Reason: The stewards agreed that the move from roller was not on and this was deemed a desperate, last lap attempt, and that the contact was in part initiated by roller having to make a steering correction.
Ticket # 267 - Lap 1 incident involving FGE Atom77 & TTRE Runnered77
Outcome: 3s to TTRE Runnered77
Reason: Runnered goes for a gap that's not there and pushes Atom out of the way, almost completely taking him out.
Division 2
Pole Time: 1:04.200
1. BRT Haze
2. LSJ Rundle
3. Comm45
4. I CJT22 I
7. AlfieJohnsxn
8. RSF1 Invade
10. GoldenEggFryer
11. RyanScores
12. Sean Matts
13. TIR iiGandy
14. Tyler Jenkins
15. UKBeastAssassin
16. Ulsterstig
17. Kislesko
18. SSR Halo
20. ZachIsBeast25
Fastest Lap: 1:05.925 - Comm45
1. BRT Haze
2. Comm45 (-3s)
4. RyanScores
6. Sean Matts (+5s)
7. GoldenEggFryer
9. LSJ Rundle (+5s)
11. ZachIsBeast25
12. SSR Halo
13. Ulsterstig
14. Kislesko
15. TIR iiGandy
16. AlfieJohnsxn (DNF)
17. RSF1 Invade (DNF)
18. UKBeastAssassin (DNF)
19. Tyler Jenkins (DNF)
20. I CJT22 I (DNF)
Ticket # 247 - Multiple Incidents on Laps 33/34 including RSF1 Invade & UKBeastAssassin
Outcome: 2LP to RSF1 Invade & 2LP to UKBeastAssassin due to both drivers not finishing the race.
Reason: The stewards feel that Invade is at fault for the initial collision that gives Beast damage in S2, so 2LP have been added for this. The stewards also feel that Invade drives in an unsportsmanlike manner in the run up to the penultimate corner and on the start/finish straight, so an additional LP has been given for this. The stewards also feel that Beast should have left Invade room on the exit of turn 3 as we deem that the move has not been fully completed, therefore, Beast is deemed at fault for the subsequent collision that occurs. Beast is awarded 2LP for this. (Appeal: additional 1LP removed for Invade).
Ticket # 248 - Comm45 penalty removal request
Outcome: Request Accepted: 3s penalty removed.
Reason: Comm45 & RyanScores are battling and make racing contact in the middle of Turn 4. This causes Comm off track, picking up a track limit warning in the process. This warning will be removed, and it was proved by the race director that Comm received a total of 6 warnings, meaning that with the removal he only has 5 and so the second 3s penalty is removed.
Ticket # 250 - Lap 14 incident involving Sean Matts
Outcome: 5s + 1LP to Sean Matts Reason: Sean clearly cuts the white line at pit entry, which could have been dangerous. The rules were clearly stated both before the start of the season and before the start of the race that this would be enforced.
Ticket # 252 - Qualifying incident involving Sean Matts
Outcome: 1LP to Sean Matts
Reason: Sean clearly cuts the white line at pit entry during qualifying.
Ticket # 253 - Lap 17 incident involving F1ABQW3RTYYY
Outcome: NFA
Reason: Qwerty is obeying the pit entry rule by initially entering on the right of the line. It is then tricky to see whether Qwerty does go over the line whilst mid corner. The benefit of the doubt is given to the McLaren driver in this instance.
Ticket # 254 - Lap 13 incident involving GoldenEggFryer & LSJ Rundle
Outcome: 5s + 1LP to LSJ Rundle
Reason: Rundle has a moment on the exit of turn 3, making contact with the rear of Fryer's car, causing the RB to go off track and lose multiple collisions.
Division 3
Pole Time: 1:04.528
1. SL1X4
2. Fat Ted24
3. aligator86
4. Petronas34
5. lofty012
6. Parzival GL
7. SLR Moley
8. Gregers UK
9. SLR Hicklin
10. BadOtterTV
11. jxe
13. GazzaBridger
14. Sean Tilla
15. COLDEN3335
16. Rico AV
17. Starsorphan6
18. K1 Skies
Fastest Lap: 1:06.695 - BGR_SXPERI-74
1. Petronas34
2. Gregers UK
3. BadOtterTV (+3s)
4. SLR Moley
5. Sean Tilla
6. Fat Ted24
7. aligator86
8. lofty012
9. jxe
10. Parzival GL
11. SLR Hicklin
12. Rico AV
13. GazzaBridger (+10s)
15. Starsorphan6 (DNF)
16. SL1X4 (DNF)
17. K1 Skies (DNF)
18. COLDEN3335 (DNF)
Ticket # 258 - Lap 35 Incident involving Rico AV & GazzaBridger
Outcome: 10s + 2LP to GazzaBridger
Reason: Gazza spins Rico into turn 1.
Ticket # 259 - Lap 18 incident involving Parzival GL & K1 Skies
Outcome: NFA
Reason: Parzival makes a mistake and cuts the corner on their own accord.
Ticket # 260 - Lap 19 incident involving Parzival GL, lofty012 & K1 Skies
Outcome: NFA
Reason: Whilst Lofty does hit the rear of Parzival, the stewards feel that this is both very minor and in part due to Parzival moving slightly left in the braking zone. Therefore, the stewards do not feel a penalty to Lofty is necessary.
Ticket # 261 - Lap 33 incident involving Parzival GL, aligator86 & SLR Hicklin
Outcome: NFA
Reason: The stewards feel that Hicklin didn't rejoin in an unsafe manner, rather that he was recovering from a previous incident which saw him half spun on the kerb. This was not deemed penalisable, and that a spin could have been avoided by Parzival if he didn't make contact with aligator.
Ticket # 262 - Lap 28 incident involving K1 Skies & BadOtterTV
Outcome: 3s + 1LP to BadOtterTV Reason: BadOtter leaves his nose in and goes slightly too deep at turn 3, half spinning Skies and causing the Haas to lose a position.
Ticket # 263 - Qualifying incident involving BadOtterTV & SL1X4
Outcome: Qualifying Ban + 2LP to SL1X4
Reason: SL1X4 rejoins in front of BadOtterTV dangerously, blocking his qualifying lap.
In Canada...
... SLR Ham19 (1st) could reach 1900 total points if they score 20 points.
... raceroller22 (6th) could reach 1300 total points if they score 24 points.
... BRT Haze (17th) could reach 800 total points if they score 8 points.
... Fat Ted24 (59th) could reach 500 total points if they score 2 points.
... Gregers UK (60th) could reach 500 total points if they score 7 points.
... lofty012 (79th) could reach 400 total points if they score 5 points.
... F1ABQW3RTYYY (144th) could reach 200 total points if they score 11 points.
See you this weekend!