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Qualifying at the shortest track of the season, The Red Bull Ring, would see the league's closest qualifying session of the season so far, and it would be Crispy2001 to complete back to back poles as he would set a 1:03.343 in Quali that would ensure the best grid slot in a dry qualifying, heeding the grid over both Williams cars of Midzy15 (1:03.476) and Bezzas1 (1:03.538)

With the nature of the Red Bull Ring being high speed and short lap time, DRS trains looked to be commonplace and a one to watch as the lights would go out, and it would be a strong start by the Williams of Midzy15 to take the lead, and Polesitter Crispy2001 running wide and losing a couple places to those behind. Another mover was Yologamer in the Aston Martin with late breaking lunge up the inside at Turn 3, and on the exit, would collect a couple of drivers as they all gelled together on the exit, creating an incident on the exit

The first yellow flag would come out for a spin by Coupe a Benz in the Ferrari on the penultimate corner on Lap2, as his Ferrari would slowly spin on the main racing line, resulting in Riggs having to go very wide to avoid creating further incident, and losing a place to JitoDV, who was able to make the places up, jumping to P9. SLR Cech would spin on the exit of turn 1 on the next lap as drivers would soon slowly clip kerbs and show some mistakes in their armour

Lap 6 would see Bezzas1 follow Cech in making the same spin on the exit of turn 1, losing time and skating on the grass, and with Bezzas on the alternate strategy of those around him, the spin completely paralysing any progress he was making, and putting him to the back of the queue

Yologamer would soon have an incident on track on his own and lead to their retirement, and in doing so, brought out the first caution of the race, a VSC, which was quickly upgraded to a full course Safety Car by race control, on lap 8, which was a blessed time for soft runners, and left the medium runners conflicted about going forward. Those in the bottom half would make a jump onto hards, and in the odd case, jumped back onto a new set of mediums during the same caution, sacrificing race position for strategy, which would be a bold development under this period

ZyDRAD would lead the grid back into racing conditions on Lap 12 and with a strong restart, was able to keep his lead, but it would be disaster for Bezzas who would spin not once, but twice on the first fast lap after the caution, and diving into the pits and running in no man's land at the back of the field.

The racing would continue to be fierce throughout the field, and the battle for P8 was properly heating up as Jibjab looked round the outside of Riggs into turn 4, and in carrying too much speed into the corner, Riggs defending the inside, Jibjab would tap the back of the Alpine and throw the Alfa Romeo into a half spin, which would soon create issue for Jito who would hit his Haas into the Alfa, and retire as damage would be too much and the race ruined. Jibjab would retire in the pits soon after as both drivers had a string of bad luck in racing

SLR Alfie's wheel would disconnect and bring out a yellow flag at Turn 3 on lap 18 as the Mercedes would lose its strong performance in a single, brief glitch on track and on the same lap, Raceroller would trigger an early undercut onto the Softs, which felt a bit early, but with the consistency of the Red Bull over the first third of the season, didn't seem too much of an ask for the Scot

PaRa and Beast would react to the early stopping Bull by stopping on Lap 20, a move that saw Roller undercut both of them, and with penalties becoming a gradual element of this race, had the Red Bull in a strong position by pulling the trigger early on strategy.

Crispy and V2 would pit lap 21 and lose out to those who pitted ahead and the remaining runners pitting on Lap 22 would see SLR Dylan lead the race with a 3s buffer to FRA Ham and Saintee who were hard racing in the final podium places.

Lap 26 would see Raceroller get tapped on the rear into Turn 3 by a late braking Crispy, spinning the Bull round and demoting him to the back of the DRS train, and as the race began getting a bit hot under the collar, would see all forms of racing action, as Benz on the different strategy would quickly become a mobile chicane for those on the Softs as they all looked to make any gains that they could

With a bold call to pit twice under the Safety Car, not even a late race penalty was enough to dampen the spirits of SLR Dylan who would take the race win and secure the 25pts for himself and for Red Bull, Midzy15 would take 2nd place and continue going from strength to strength, and ZyDRAD would round off the podium reserving for the Aston Martin team, and showing that the pace is still in the tank


Pole Lap: 01.03.343

1. Crispy2001

2. Midzy15

3. bezzas1


5. PaRa Quickz

6. SLR AlfieDK

7. raceroller22

8. Coupe a Benz

9. SLR Dylan

10. SLR Cech

11. UKBeastAssassin

12. R1ggs8

13. FRA Ham8

14. Yologamer666one

15. Jito DV

16. V2 x Combat

17. KlutzyWinter830

18. FRA Jam40

19. Sa1ntee6423

20. JibJab325


Fastest Lap: 01.05.305 ZyDRAD

1. SLR Dylan

2. Midzy15


4. raceroller22

5. FRAHam19

6. R1ggs8

7. Sa1ntee6423

8. Crispy2001 +5 sec

9. UKBeasAssassin

10. V2 x Combat +10 sec

11. Para Quickz

12. Coupe a Benz

13. bezzas1

14. SLR Cech

15. SLR AlfieDK

16. FRA Jam40 (RET) Qualifying ban

17. JibJab325 (RET)

18. Jito DV (RET)

19. KlutzyWinter830 (DNF)

20. yologamer666one (DNF) qualifying ban

Raceroller22 vs crispy2001

Decision: 5s+2LP to crispy2001

Reason: crispy makes a move on PaRa Quickz into turn 3 but in going up his inside hits the rear right wheel of raceroller. This causes roller to be spun around. The stewards don’t feel like this was an intentional/malicious divebomb from crispy, merely him misjudging where roller would be, hence the penalty is given as 5 seconds.

Klutzywinter830 vs FRA Jam40

Decision: 10s+3LP to Jam (converted to a qualifying ban due to DNF)

Reason: Jam is in the middle of the track and attempts to right himself as klutzy comes through the penultimate corner. Klutzy has reduced his speed and we feel like jam’s movement would have caused him to hit klutzy if there hadn’t have been a lucky instance of the game ghosting jam’s car. Either way this leads to klutzy having to swerve to try to avoid jam and end up in the wall, retiring from the race. As we feel like jam’s attempt at a rejoin is partly the cause of this the relevant penalty has been issued.

UKBeastAssassin vs yologamer

Decision: 10s+3LP to yologamer (quali ban due to DNF)

Reason: yolo makes a reckless move into turn 3, causing beast to be forced a bit wide and cech, beast and yolo to be going 3 wide out of the corner. Yologamer then significantly swerves to the left on exit, causing him to hit cech and beast and create a roadblock.

Fra Ham19 vs yologamer (formation lap)

Decision: 5s+1LP to yologamer (2LP due to DNF)

Reason: yologamer overtakes ham at high speed at the end of the formation lap. The game registers contact between the pair of them and disqualifies them from the formation lap. On the formation lap drivers are expected to keep behind each other and not do any manoeuvres such as overtakes that could potentially cause contact between drivers to occur. Hence a penalty is given to yologamer for this offence.

FRA Ham19 vs yologamer 2 (lap 1 T1)

Decision: NFA

Reason: the gap is there for yologamer to make the move however ham ends up being sandwiched into a tight corner. We don’t feel yologamer can be given any blame for this hence no penalty is awarded.

PaRa Quickz vs V2 x Combat

Decision: 10s+3LP to v2

Reason: going side by side out of turn 4 v2 drifts right into para forcing them both off into the gravel. This collision is clearly avoidable as V2 should have been more aware of Para to his right hand side, so a penalty has been given to v2.

We kicked the weekend off with qualifying in Austria with Elite X riskz taking his first pole position in SLR closely followed by championship leader SLR Vandoorne in p2 with SLR Bennett and BadOtterTV behind occupying the second row!

The 5 lights went out and Elite got off to a good start maintaining his lead with Vandoorne and bennett following behind whilst 6th place man at the start DPT Paul had a horror start and found himself running last after lap 1.

Lap 3 Bennett and fast starting rockamad collided with rockamad falling to the back as a result which he would file to the stewards which they decided was a racing incident so no penalty to bennett! Even more drama on lap 3! Pole sitter elite and BadOtterTV collide and both spin and fall to the back after both showing good pace from the get go.

Lap 6 and now BadOtterTV has spun! Also Sending him to the back, this race now starting to look like who can survive!

The red bull ring is also a track which people find themselves picking up warnings for track limits and the drivers were already starting to rack up multiple warnings and penalties which would be key come the end of the race.

Lap 14 and the safety car was deployed! The front runners up to bennett pitted for hards to run to the end whilst bennett committed to a 2 stop opting for the softs so it would be 100% push until the end of the race but on lap 22 the safety car was deployed yet again! Bennett opted to pit for mediums as he didn’t feel the softs would last which meant he dropped to 9th place and some overtaking to do!

The race entered the last few laps and Elite X riskz had thought his way through the pack and up to second after dropping to the back so early on and was catching leader SLR Vandoorne.

The checkered flag waved and it was championship leader SLR Vandoorne who took p1 and extends his lead in the championship, Elite X riskz crossed the line in p2 but because of his penalties he dropped to p4! This promoted last weeks winner SLR Allen to take p2 and for the third week in a row SLR Bennett found himself on the podium! A massive shoutout to sf1 moley who started this season in Division 3 and took to the challenge of moving straight to div 1 and finishing p5 after starting p18.

Join us next week for our home Grand Prix, Silverstone!


Pole Time: 1:03.799

1. ELiTE x RisKz

2. SLR Vandoorne

3. SLR Bennett3810

4. BadOtterTV

5. DPT Alfie

6. rockamad73

7. SLR Allen

8. SLR Semm

9. LP Smoke

10. SLR Morgan

11. SLR Liamm

12. legendarydannyd

13. l VR46 l

14. Darren l 22

15. DPT Paul

16. SotierClock110

17. SLR Gooner

18. SF1 Moley

19. ARL PReDaToRZz

20. OwenHowell36 (QB)


Fastest Lap: 1:05.171 (legendarydannyd)

1. SLR Vandoorne

2. SLR Allen

3. SLR Bennett3810

4. ELiTE x RisKz

5. SF1 Moley (-5s)


7. SLR Liamm

8. DPT Paul

9. DPT Alfie

10. LP Smoke

11. SotierClock110

12. legendarydannyd (FL)

13. SLR Semm

14. BadOtterTV (RET)

15. l VR46 l (RET)

16. OwenHowell36 (DNF)

17. Darren l 22 (RET)

18. SLR Morgan (DNF)

19. rockamad73 (RET)

20. SLR Gooner (RET)

SF1 Moley - 5 second penalty removal (lap 17)

Outcome: 5 second penalty removed

Reason: There was clearly no contact between Moley and Elite under the safety car and sufficient evidence was also provided to us.

rockamad73 Vs SLR Bennett - Collision (lap 3)

Outcome: Racing incident

Reason: Unfortunately us stewards have not been given a substantial amount of evidence and POVs to determine who is really at fault for this incident. So therefore we think it would be harsh penalising anyone here due to not having much to work with for this particular incident.

In Division 2 this week as with the other divisions it’s such fine margins on this track, where every tenth matters.

Qualifying saw lots of laps trying to find that extra tenth and avoiding invalidating the lap which is super hard to do here at Austria.

Chanpionship leader Masseyf1 would take pole by .029 of a second from ARL Tooman. The top 8 separate by 3 tenths.

To the race then. Very clean start everyone away well but Massey still in the lead with Tooman behind on the softer tyres looked to get past. Tooman’s teammate AG ll Panther lost it at the start of sector 3 of lap 1 and he would bow out. Which bought out a virtual safety car. On the restart ARL Tooman would get past Massey going into turn 3.

Wheel to wheel battling between reserve driver Alpeh and SLR Charlie, as Massey picked up a new front wing in the pits.

A full safety car would then come out after dodgy parked his car in the middle of the start finish straight and you just can’t park there

ARL Tooman would pit from the lead. Which meant Zachisbeast would now lead off the pack.l and had a great jump on J Lee Menz behind who would then light up the colder tyres at turn 1 and spin and lose a front.

SLR Charlie, Masseyf1 and ARL Tooman would then be the ones to watch with fresh tyres amongst the guys that stayed out during safety car looked to take advantage.

Terrific move by Tooman around the outside of Alpehon lap 11.

Also SLR Charlie a lap later down the inside of OG James 96.

Lap 14 would see Tooman retake the lead from Zach with move down the inside of turn 3.

We’d see a 2nd safety car of the race on lap 19 which would see most of the field pit for fresh tyres to go to the end of the race.

Tooman and Zach at the front of the field opting for soft tyres, so was interesting to see if they lasted until the end of the race.

Masseyf1 and Zach battling over P2 would allow Tooman to build a lead with less than 10 laps to go.

Lots of battling further back with chopping and changing throughout the last few laps with gaps beginning to form. ZH Acidz and SLR Charlie battling throughout.

Would be ARL Tooman that took the chequered flag which brings him up there standings. Zach putting pressure on Masseyf1 would final take its toll as Massey would pick up a penalty.l and a brilliant battle between the pair in the last couple laps. Zach P2 though. Massey P3. Reserve driver Alpeh with a great drive from P11 to claim P4. SLR Charlie with no penalties P5 best finish for him in Division 2 thus far.

SLR Jack P6. c0wen in P7 showing he can be in the mix in Division 2. SLR Leah P8. The two Mercedes of SLR Hicklin and scar B0rga would get the final points on offer.


Pole Time: 1:04.061

1. MasseyF1

2. ARL Tooman

3. ZachIsBeast25

4. AG ll Panther

5. SLR Jack

6. J Lee Menz

7. Scar B0rga


9. c0w3n


11. Alpeh

12. SLR Dodgy

13. SLR Leah

14. OG James 96

15. SLR Teddy

16. SLR Hicklin

17. SLR Hyperz

18. ZH acidz


Fastest Lap: 1:05.686 - MasseyF1

1. ARL Tooman

2. ZachIsBeast25

3. MasseyF1 (FL)

4. Alpeh


6. SLR Jack

7. c0w3n

8. SLR Leah

9. SLR Hicklin

10. Scar B0rga


12. OG James 96 (DNF)

13. ZH acidz (RET)

14. SLR Teddy (RET)

15. J Lee Menz (DNF)

16. SLR Hyperz (DNF)

17. SLR Dodgy (DNF)

18. AG ll Panther (DNF)


Outcome: Qualifying ban 3LP

Reason: Readying up too early on the grid

We welcome you back to Division 3 round 8 around Austria.

As we go into the weekend we welcome SLR B33N back to Division 3. Only 18 are to qualify and we had SLR Russell with a qualifying Ban and SLR B33N will miss qualifying.

As we go into Qualifying Q1 was dry but getting wet near the end, Q2 was light rain and Q3 was heavy rain into light rain. The qualifying results are: LSW L3G3ND44 will take his second pole in SLR, SLR Kiara follows closely in P2, SLR COLDEN P3, Cxmzn P4, Vision P5, Gregers P6, Maxwell P7, KOPKIDJACK P8, J GEDDES P9 and SLR Nealix P10.

As we go to the famous Five red lights; LSW L3G3ND44 gets a better start than SLR Kiara but LSW L3G3ND44 gets a poor exit off T1 and gives Kiara an excellent run to T3 and gets past LSW L3G3ND44 and takes the lead. Near the end of Lap 1 SLR SPR1TLEY has a spin before the double right handers.

Lap2; G4R3TH has been caught out by the deadly T1 and spins and lives to keep on racing. SLR Russell has a spin before the double left handers by hitting the back of one of the Aston Martins. As we go into Lap 3 Cxmzn is a lot more closer to LSW L3G3ND44 and goes down the inside at T3 didn’t work out but, Cxmzn get an amazing run into T4 and gets past LSW L3G3ND44 and puts him self in P2.

Lap 6; SLR Russell has had a crash on the exit of T10 and that result has brought out the First safety car. At the end of Lap 6, SLR Kiara, Cxmzn, Scott85laney, Vision, Maxwell, Nealix and KOPKIDJACK all pit under the full safety car. LSW L3G3ND44 lead the field under the safety car.

Lap 10; as we come to the end of Lap10 the safety car is coming in and LSW L3G3ND44 now controls the pace of the field. As we move on to lap 11As Kiara is now beginning to make move on their fresh set of tires. LSW L3G3ND44 is still leading this race after the safety car.

Lap 17 Kiara has had an off in the last sector doesn’t bring out a safety car or a VSC.

Lap 19; Gregers has called an undercut of LSW L3G3ND44 and they put on the softs to the end. Lap 21 LSW L3G3ND44 pits for their stop and goes for the softs aswell and gets jumped by Gregers and now Gregers is in the lead by 1.7 seconds. SLR COLDEN meanwhile stays out for track position.

Lap 28; as we come to closer and closer to the end of the race LSW L3G3ND44 is closing to Gregers by lap by lap and this time he’s closer as the go into T3 and LSW L3G3ND44 gets a better exit than Gregers does and they are on there way to T4 and LSW L3G3ND44 goes down the inside and gets the move done and puts themselves into P2. LSW L3G3ND44 will have the net P1 after Vision stop as they are the only car left to make a stop.

Lap 35; Gregers try’s for a move in T4 on LSW L3G3ND44 but misses his breaking point and LSW L3G3ND44 comes back with a switch back on the exit of T4. As LSW L3G3ND44 start their last lap of this race and makes his way to the chequered flag. LSW L3G3ND44 wins the Austrian GP with Gregers P2 and SLR COLDEN P3.

This has been Division 3 round 8 around Austria. Join us next time as we will be at the Britain GP.


Pole Lap: 01.12.129

1. LSW L3g3end44

2. SLR Kiara

3. SLR Colden

4. I Cxmzn I

5. Vision2614

6. Gregers UK

7. I21I Maxwell

8. KopKidJack2005

9. x J Geddes x

10. SLR Nealix

11. G4ar3th9360

12. Baggiefan1995

13. SLR Spr1tley


15. Scott85Laney

16. SLR Stevooo

17. SLR b33n

18. SLR Russell


Fastest Lap: 01.05.864 KopKidJack2005

1. LSW L3g3nd44

2. Gregers UK

3. SLR Colden

4. SLR b33n

5. Vision2614

6. I Cxmzn I

7. I21I Maxwell

8. G4r3th9360

9. SLR Nealix

10. x J Geddes x

11. Baggiefan 1995

12. KopKidJack2005 (RET)

13. SLR Stevooo

14. Nedklaw +10 sec

15. Spr1tley

16. Scott85laney (RET)

17. SLR Kiara (DNF)

18. SLR Russell (DNF)

In Q1 Nedklaw leaves the pit I Maxwell I 21 is on his hotlap. Later on the lap Nedklaw blocks I Maxwell I 21. The stewards award Nedklaw with a 10-second time penalty and 2 license points.

I Maxwell I 21 vs Vision2614 vs Cosmic Cameron - Lap 14

Vision2614 and Cosmic Cameron come together on lap 14 resulting in a spin for Vision2614. I Maxwell I 21 collects Cosmic Cameron. The stewards believe the incident between Vision2614 and Cosmic Cameron is a racing incident, and I Maxwell I 21 is the unlucky there. No pen is awarded.



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