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Appeals Silverstone

Appeal 1 (F2)

Benz, Corey, Griffiths, Allen

Stewards Decision - 5s and 2pp to Benz

Panel Decision - 5s and 2pp to SLR Corey

The panel reviewed the evidence provided and didn't understand how Benz was awarded a penalty in this incident. The panel disagreed with the stewards reasoning and believed the incident was due to a late defensive move by Corey. This move gave Benz very little time to react and acknowledging that he does tap the back of Corey, the panel contest that this would not have happened if Corey never moved in this manner. The panel reviewed this incident and have reassigned the penalty applied by Benz to Corey as the panel believe the responsibility lied more with the late defensive move rather than poor reaction time

Appeal 2

Marsh and Dodgy

Stewards Decision - 5s and 1pp to Marsh

Panel Decision - 5s and 1pp to Marsh

The panel reviewed the evidence provided and concluded that Marsh went into T1 a bit hot and tapped the rear of Dodgy. The panel believe there is normally a level of leniency on lap 1 incidents, however, Dodgy was minding his business and being wary of his surroundings, and as a result, was hit from behind and spun round. The panel agreed with the stewards that Marsh misjudged his braking point into T1


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