Ticket # 223 (M) - raceroller22 track limit warning removal request
Original Outcome: request denied
Appeals Outcome: Stewards decision stands
Reason: The Appeals team came to a unanimous decision that these warnings should not be removed. In the first warning it was agreed that roller had sufficient time to react to the car ahead, and that neither warning was unjust.
Ticket # 224 (M) - incident involving raceroller22 & SLR Darnell
Original Outcome: 3s + 1LP to raceroller22 for causing a collision
Appeals Outcome: Stewards decision stands
Reason: The Appeals team believe that the initial penalty was justified. As the overtaking car, the onus is on roller to make sure the move is complete before moving across, and such the fault was not on Darnell at all for this incident for not lifting, and solely on him.
Ticket # 225 (D3) - incident involving iKarizmik
Original Outcome: 10s + 2LP to iKarizmik for excessive use of AI
Appeals Outcome: Stewards decision stands
Reason: Firstly, all drivers are required to read the league rules, in which it clearly states that unnecessary use of AI is a penalisable offence. The reason given by the offender was not deemed to be a necessary reason to be in AI by the Appeals team.