Appeal 1: Raceroller22 vs SLR Corey
Original decision: NFA
Outcome: appeal denied
Reason: Stewards’ opinion remains unchanged from the initial review. The stewards feel that Corey left roller sufficient room and that the first instance of contact is not worthy of a penalty. Additionally, the stewards deem that, although unfortunate, Corey needed to make a steering correction, which caused the second contact. Due to this, the stewards’ verdict is that Corey is not at fault and the incident is just NFA as there was nothing more he could have done to avoid it.
Appeal 2: UKBeastAssassin vs F1ABQW3RTYY
Original decision: 5 seconds + 1 licence point to QW3RTY
Decision: appeal denied- original penalty stands
Reason: stewarding consistency. Although the stewards acknowledge that qwerty certainly could have done more to avoid the spin, which became clearer from the additional evidence, the original penalty stands due to similar incidents being given 5 second penalties this season.
NOTE: Upon reviewing this incident, it became clear that the penalty system is something that the League Owners and Head of Stewarding will be looking into for next season.