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Appeals Report: China

Appeal 1 (D3)

SLRRaikonnen and SLR Hicklin

Stewards Decision - 3s and 1lp to SLR Hicklin

Panel Decision - 5s and 2lp to SLR Hicklin

The panel reviewed the evidence provided and concluded that the original penalty applied by the stewards was too lenient in this instance. Hicklin has went straight into the back of Raikkonen and spun them round and to a halt, losing them positions. The panel argued that the penalty was too lenient and have given what is believed to be a more appropriate penalty.

Appeal 2 (F2)

ShutMedal, SLR Southerner and SLR Ham19

Stewards Decision - 5s and 1lp to ShutMedal

Panel Decision - Racing Incident

The panel reviewed the evidence provided and agreed to disagree with the penalty applied. This was due to the panel having a more lenient approach to Lap 1 incidents and notes, but also argued that the gap for Medal to make the move was on and the contact was more of a racing incident for lap 1 than it was blame. When reviewing this incident, the gap for Medal to go for the move is there and Southerner leaves this door open, and into the braking zone ShutMedal is alongside on the inside and with Ham on the outside unaware that there was 2 cars to the right, the panel believed this to be a racing incident as there was no perceived divebomb or poor racing from Medal as they go for a gap and slow the car down, and when pinched on the inside, does take appropriate evasive action.


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