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Appeals Report: Belgium

UKBeastAssassin vs ZyDRAD

Outcome: 5s + 1LP penalty removed

Reason: we think that the initial move was from too far back and so we feel that the penalty given by the stewards was harsh

Laney vs Cameron

Outcome: Stewards Decision stands

Reason: The collision is late and wreckless. Laney is lucky not to get a harsher penalty from the stewards.

Chizu Vs Menz Vs Dawzie


- Menz 15seconds and 3LP removed.

- Chizu penalty increased to 15 seconds and 3LP for causing major wing damage.

Reason - Chizu slowly comes across the front win of Menz causing him to spin into Dawzie causing major wing damage. We felt the collision wasn’t at the fault of Menz at all because there was always a gap for him to go through which gets shut by Chizu


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