Finally that on is over, a really horrible track it is. Apart from turn 3 its 90 degree corners and literally no elevation change how fun.......
Anyway I don't get paid to complain, actually I don't get paid at all so I guess I can complain all I want but I won't. Not at such a glorious week as this. I know some "cough" "cough" ranga "cough" "cough" don't want me to praise a certain someone yet again but I'll just say like this instead. Take a look at the all time standings tomorrow (Wednesday) night to see who is new second place in the all time SLR standings....
Anyway, there was a very exciting league announcement earlier today (Tuesday) and although I am pretty sure a lot of you already knew about it, its still very exiting to be able to say that we are expanding to 4 divisions for Season 5. This also gives me the opportunity to thank every single driver we have on behalf of the LOs and the admin team, you guys are brilliant creating close and brilliant racing throughout our 3 divisions and F2 of course. But I think as an LO seeing how everything works behind the scenes its the admin team that deserves the biggest thank you. For outstanding commitment and hard work to make SLR the league it is today. For recruiting whenever it is needed to make sure our grids are full. I could go on but Im not going to bore you all with that, I'm sure you get the point. But hopefully the addition of SLR Elite will make the racing closer throughout all divisions.
And just one more thing, the addition of SLR Elite will of course mean that a lot of the division 1 drivers is going to take the step up to SLR Elite next season and a lot of the current division 2 drivers is going to take the steppe to division 1 next season etc. Also a new division means 20 more seats to be filled so Im sure our reserves are looking to occupy one of those seats in any of the divisions. If you wonder what division you will be put in, just be patient we are working on the lists and what we shall do between this season ending and the release of F1 2020 but until then, see you at Suzuka in Japan tomorrow for F2 and then all the other races during the weekend.
Division 1
Pole Lap: 01,30,950
1. Rizeln v4
2. HamJam2002
3. Xx JamHam xX
4. XR CrazedBear
5. Midzy15
6. SLR Freeman
7. Ryan Jones123
8. LP Smoke
9. bezzas1
10. SLR Dylan
11. Fingerboy05
12. saaa69
13. Saxman24
14. ARL MeRkz
15. Motion Hazza
16. sudiserGregory
17. PaRa Quickz
18. LickTheStamp
19. VRT Bottas
20. KevinGT9389
Fastest Lap: 01,33,906 ARL MeRkz
1. HamJam2002
2. Xx JamHam xX
3. SLR Freeman
4. Ryan Jones123
5. LP Smoke
6. XR CrazedBear
7. PaRa Quickz
8. bezzas1
9. SLR Dylan
10. Saxman24
11. VRT Bottas
12. Rizeln v4 +20 sec
13. ARL MeRkz
14. Motion Hazza
15. KevinGT9389
16. sudiserGregory
17. Fingerboy05
18. Midzy15 (DNF)
19. saaa69 (DNF)
20. LickTheStamp (DNF)
OUTCOME: qualifying ban 7LP
REASON: readying up to early on the grid
SLR Dylan vs Rizeln v4
OUTCOME: +20 sec 3LP Rizeln v4
REASON: causing major wing damage
Saxman24 vs VRT Bottas
OUTCOME: no action taken
REASON: VRT Bottas crash into Saxman24 but since he let Saxman24 back through
no action will be taken
Division 2
Pole Lap: 01,34,504
1. Crispy2001
2. CallumMcKeon33
3. SLR ranga
5. IcemanLiam36
6. II Division II
7. MacVeitch
8. OMH36
9. SotierClock110
10. UKBeastAssassin
11. SLR b33n
12. ARL PReDaToRZz
13. SillyBunny47711
14. EOR Hamilton
15. II Monkey II
16. icallum76
17. MRC Loki
18. Adam Webz
19. Entrusted21
20. TopGooner1987
Fastest Lap: SillyBunny47711 01,34,237
1. Crispy2001
2. UKBeastAssassin
5. SotierClock110
6. IcemanLiam36
7. CallumMcKeon33
8. SLR ranga -5 sec
9. II Monkey II
10. TopGooner1987
11. SLR b33n
12. II Division II
13. MRC Loki
14. Entrusted21
15. MacVeitch
16. Silly Bunny47711
17. OMH36
18. Adam Webz
19. EOR Hamilton 44 (DNF)
20. icallum76 (DNF)
SLR ranga
OUTCOME: -5 sec
REASON: wrongly given penalty
Division 3
Pole Lap: 01,32,225
1. IDarkXenonI
2. Lewisod
3. ImYoungie
4. SLR Nealix
5. JON5Y
6. SLR Stevooo
7. Original96
8. PlainTeddy24
9. OrangeKrush192
10. SLR St2oH
11. SLR Gareth
12. ZachIsbeast25
16. RUNthaJewels24
17. DaredPaul1986
18. Hicklin93
19. SLR Laney
Fastest Lap: 01,35,329 Hiklin93
1. ImYoungie
2. Original96
3. SLR St2oH
4. IDarkXenonI
5. SLR Gareth
6. SLR Stevooo
7. Hicklin93
8. ZachIsBeast25
9. DaredPaul1986
11. NEDKLAW +5 sec
12. SLR Laney
13. PlainTeddy24
14. SLR Nealix
15. OrangeKrush192
17. Lewisod (DNF)
18. JON5Y (DNF)
19. RUNthaJewels24 (DNF)
SLR Nealix vs SLR St2oH
OUTCOME: racing incident
REASON: OrangeKrush192 is on the outside of St2oH so there is no space to the left so when St2oH turn he expects SLR Nealix to give space. There is plenty of space to the right as well for SLR Nealix to use to prevent the collision.
SLR Nealix vs IDarkXenonI
OUTCOME: racing incident
REASON: just run out of space in a tight corner
OUTCOME: no action taken
REASON: corner cut penalties under SC does not get removed, see the rules for more info
ZachIsBeast25 vs Hicklin93
OUTCOME: racing incident
REASON: fair overtake
OUTCOME: no action taken
REASON: cant remove corner cutting penalties without a picture of the race director.
ZachIsBeast25 vs NEDKLAW
REASON: turns in like ZachIsBeast25 isn't there, but luckily no damage caused therefor the penalty is as well.
Lewisod vs OrangeKrush192
OUTCOME: +15 sec = qualifying ban due to DNF 2LP Lewisod
REASON: spinning another car