Results on the original report have been adjusted to fit with the outcome of the appeals
GoldenEggFryer vs GRT Andrew
Stewards’ Decision: 5s taken off
Panel Decision: Overturned - 5s stays with GRT Andrew
Reason: we believe that Andrew was too close to GoldenEggFryer and although the Williams was excessively weaving, Andrew had no right to be alongside him especially with so long left of the lap.
Midzy15 vs SLR Corey
Stewards’ Decision: 5s to Midzy15
Panel Decision: Stewards’ Decision Stands
Reason: Midzy has caused this incident and has caused Corey to lose many positions. However due to the nature of this corner and Corey’s loss of the car just before, we believe that a 5 second penalty is justified.
Midzy15 vs raceroller22 - Divebomb
Stewards’ Decision: 5s to Midzy15
Panel Decision: Overturned - Penalty Increased to 10s
Reason: We feel that this was a reckless and incredibly dangerous dive from Midzy. He has used raceroller to slow his car down and give him a better line for the corner. Regardless of what happened on the previous corners this was an inexcusable dive, and so we have decided to increase the penalty.
Midzy15 vs raceroller22 - spinning another car
Stewards’ Decision: 5s to raceroller22
Panel Decision: Stewards’ Decision Stands
Reason: even though we understand that this cost Midzy a lot of time, we also believe that this incident could have been avoided if he didn’t lift off his braking early and go wide to leave Roller with little space. If the incident had still occurred when more space had been given then a harsher penalty would have been justified. However, we still believe that Roller was more at fault and so have decided to stick with the stewards’ original decision.