Season 4 of SLR is finally here and what a start it was, div 2 with a massive crash as per usual in Australia, and with lots of leader changes over the coarse of the race but in the end it was LP Smoke on top, In div 1 PrestoEvans is back to winning ways and Nealix started of his attempts to win the div 3 championship with a perfect run of Pole, Fastest Lap and the race win.
Pole lap: Pricetag71 - 1:19.722
1. Pricetag71
2. Midzy15
3. PrestoEvans
4. MaxylGamerS
5. HamJam2002
6. GeneralMarrow69
7. ontothepodium
8. ERN Beard
9. ERN Hampelexus
10. hypelilpump420
11. Xx JamHam xX
13. Ryan Jones 123
14. ERN Shoof
15. Racerfreeman 10
16. Kolka ISL
17. ERN David Storm
18. PaRa Quickz
19. ARL MeRkz
Fastest Lap: Kolka ISL - 1.22.800
1. PrestoEvans
2. Pricetag71
3. Xx JamHam xX
4. Midzy15
5. HamJam2002 +10 seconds
6. ERN Hampelexus
7. ERN David Storm
9. ontothepodium
10. ERN Beard
11. RELLIK NOOK +5 seconds
12. ARL MeRkz
13. Racerfreeman 10 +15 seconds
14. ERN Shoof
15. Kolka ISL
16. Ryan Jones123 (DNF)
17. PaRa Quickz (DNF)
18. hypelilpump420 (DNF) + 25 seconds (quali ban)
19. GeneralMarrow69 (DNF)
20. Maxyl GamerS (DNF)
Racerfreeman10 vs RELLIK NOOK (lap 24)
Outcome: no action taken
Reason: the incident is borderline we dont want to give penaltys for minor incidents however in future just be a bit more wary of other drivers
Racerfreeman10 vs Xx JamHam xX (lap
Outcome: Racing incident
Reason: felt that freeman came in with a bit too much speed into the corner and JamHam could have left more space on the inside 50/50 so no action needed.
ontothepodium vs hypelilpump420 (lap 1)
Outcome: 10 seconds & 1lp hypelilpump420
Reason: hit into podium causing minor wing damage to podium.
ERN Beard vs HamJam2002 (lap 6)
Outcome: 10 seconds & 1lp HamJam2002
Reason: HamJam has pinched Beard at the apex but the contact is so minor that we felt 15 seconds is too harsh and 10 is more appropriate.
BCT L3GENDS vs Racerfreeman10 (lap 9)
Outcome: 15 seconds & 2lp Racerfreeman10
Reason:Spinning BCT L3GENDS.
ERN Hampelexus vs RELLIK NOOK (lap 1)
Outcome: 5 seconds &1lp RELLIK NOOK
Reason: Rellik was trying his best to avoid an incident in front and unfortunately Hampelexus was on the inside we gave the 5 seconds instead of 15 as we felt the incident in front (ontothepodium vs hypelilpump420) was part of the cause of this incident.
RELLIK NOOK vs hypelilpump420 (lap
Outcome: 15 seconds & 2lp hypelilpump420
Reason: Spinning another car.
RELLIK NOOK vs Racerfreeman10 / Xx JamHam xX (lap 5)
Outcome: no action taken
Reason: felt like the initial move between jam and Rellik is almost identical to the lap 24 incident between racerfreeman10 and Rellik. And freeman has left a cars width on the inside of the track so cant see a reason to penalise him.
Div 2
Pole lap: TazFW - 1:20.505
1. TazFW
2. SotierClock110
3. rangarich
4. MacVeitch
5. TheJocko
6. SF1776
7. OrangeKrush192
8. OMH36
9. Crispy2001
10. UKBeastAssassin
11. CG Gibby
12. icallum76
13. ARL PReDaToRZz
14. LP Smoke
15. Counter 1616
16. Adam webz
17. Counter 1717
18. IcemanLiam36
Fastest lap: SotierClock110 - 1:23.826
1. LP Smoke
2. UKBeastAssassin
3. OrangeKrush192
5. MacVeitch
6. Counter 1717
7. CG Gibby
8. SotierClock110
9. icallum76
10. Counter 1616 (DNF)
11. rangarich (DNF) +15 seconds (quali ban)
12. Adam webz (DNF)
13. IcemanLiam36 (DNF)
14. Crispy2001 (DNF)
15. OMH36 (DNF)
16. TazFW (DNF) +30 Seconds (quali ban)
17. TheJocko (DNF)
18. SF1776 (DSQ)
The lap 1 massacre
Outcome: +30 seconds & 5lp (quali ban) TazFW
Reason: lost the car coming out of the corner causing multiple retirements.
Counter 1717 vs ARL PReDaToRZz (lap 11)
Outcome: no action taken
Reason: counter 1717 is keeping pace with the safety car when the cars in front slows and predatorz comes in with too much speed and hits the back of him no action needed as predatorz comes off worse. In the future keep a larger gap under the safety car.
SotierClock110 vs rangarich (lap 7)
Outcome: 15 seconds & 2lp (quali ban) rangarich
Reason:major wing damage to clock as ranga is trying to recover from a spin.
OrangeKrush192 turn 1 rejoin (lap1)
Outcome: no action taken
Reason: from the views of the incident we have we cant see that the rejoin has caused any issues. If you are involved in an incident please clip it and send it to a steward.
Div 3
Pole Lap: Nealix - 1:21.995
1. Nealix
2. Hicklin93
3. J0N5Y
4. SLR Gareth
5. Lewisod
6. UrMomsHouse1
8. Dawziee
9. ImYoungie
10. Will R Howard
11. PPR Grandpa
13. St2oH
14. Leaavz
15. CallumMcKeon33
16. Stevobrick
Fastest lap: Nealix - 1:24.747
1. Nealix
2. SLR Gareth
3. UrMomsHouse1
4. J0N5Y
5. Stevobrick
6. St2oH
7. CallumMcKeon33 -5 seconds
10. PPR Grandpa
11. ImYoungie
12. Will R Howard (DNF)
13. Dawziee (DNF)
14. Hicklin93 (DNF)
15. Leaavz (DNF)
16. Lewisod (DNS) + 10seconds
CallumMcKeon33 vs the game (lap 11)
Outcome: - 5 seconds off race time
Reason: has a collision with Hicklin93s retired car.
Dawziee vs Lewisod (Qualifying)
Outcome: + 10 seconds and 1lp Lewisod
Reason: blocking a Qualifying lap.