Silverstone, one of the original venues from the first Formula One season back in 1950, although im pretty sure no-one reading this remember that race (apart from maybe Garry aka SLR b33n;)) For SLR though its our 4th time coming here to a track that always provides us with good races and mainly good racing.
In Division 1 Xx JamHam xX winning his 4th race in a row and that also means only one race away from equaling PrestoEvans record of 5 straight wins between Canada and Germany in season 1. Although this race became a bit overshadowed by the fact that Xbox decided to have a meltdown during the race, it all ended with the the decision that the results from the last completed lap would be the final results but with half points so 12,5 points for the win, 9 for 2nd, 7,5 for 3rd etc.
Division 2 was decided by a late safety car and penalties when TopGooner1987 won infront on Mitchell908 and SLR ranga inherited 3rd after getting 5 seconds taken off his race time.
Division 3 had a similar senario on the podium were SLR St2oH inherited 2nd although this time because craigfk (initially 2nd) got a 15 second time penalty after the race. Won did IDarkXenonI and FatherCorn got promoted to 3rd.
Hope to see you all during the next weekend of SLR in Germany
Division 1
Pole Lap: 01,26,231
1. SLR Freeman
2. Midzy15
3. XR CrazedBear
4. HamJam2002
5. JohnMH2002
6. Rizeln V4
7. Kolka ISL
8. Fingerboy05
9. Ryan Jones123
10. Xx JamHam xX
11. PaRa Quickz
12. bezzas1
13. VRT Bottas
14. ARL MeRkz
15. Evoke Replays
16. Caspita V12 95
Fastest Lap: ?
1. Xx JamHam xX
2. HamJam2002
3. Midzy15
4. Ryan Jones123
5. Kolka ISL
6. bezzas1
7. PaRa Quickz
8. JohnMH2002
9. SLR Freeman
10. Fingerboy05
11. Evoke Replays
12. XR CrazedBear
13. VRT Bottas +15 sec
14. Rizeln V4
Kolka ISL vs VRT Bottas
OUTCOME: +15 sec 2LP VRT Bottas
REASON: Spinning another car
ARL MeRkz vs Evoke Replays
OUTCOME: Racing incident
REASON: Evoke Replays has a spin, just unlucky for ARL MeRkz that he arrive at the time when Evoke Replays is on track.
Division 2
Pole Lap: ?
1. Mitchell908
2. ERN Smoke
3. Crispy2001
4. TopGooner1987
5. UKBeastAssassin
6. II Division II
7. SillyBunny47711
8. SotierClock110
9. MacVeitch
10. SLR ranga
11. II Monkey II
12. TheJocko
13. CallumMcKeon33
14. Entrusted21
15. IcemanLiam36
16. SF1776
17. MRC Loki
18. SLR b33n
19. icallum76
Fastest Lap: 01,29,576 UKBeastAssassin
1. TopGooner1987
2. Mitchell908
3. SLR ranga -5 sec
4. II Division II
5. SotierClock110 -5 sec
6. MacVeitch -3 sec
7. ERN Smoke
8. Crispy2001
9. IcemanLiam36
10. SLR b33n
11. UKBeastAssassin
12. SillyBunny47711
13. icallum76
14. II Monkeyy II (DNF)
15. SF1776 (DNF)
16. Entrusted21 (DNF)
17. TheJocko (DNF)
18. CallumMcKeon33 (DNF)
19. MRC Loki (DNF)
OUTCOME: -5 sec
REASON: Wrongly given penalty
SLR ranga
OUTCOME: -5 sec
REASON: Wrongly given penalty
SLR ranga vs TheJocko
OUTCOME: +15 sec = qualifying ban due to DNF 2LP TheJocko
REASON: Spinning another car
OUTCOME: -3 sec
REASON: wrongly given penalty, due to it being the last lap the warning was removable, otherwise a clip of the race director is required
Division 3
Pole Lap: 01,27,293
1. ImYoungie
2. We Are Venom37
3. I DarkXenon I
4. SLR Nealix
5. RUNthaJewels
6. craigfk
7. PlainTeddy24
8. MonsterSkyline04
10. SLR St2oH
11. Original96
12. ZachIsBeast25
13. SLR Stevooo
14. SLR Gareth
16. OrangeKrush129
17. FatherCorn
Fastest Lap: 01,40,816 ImYoungie
1. IDarkXenonI
2. SLR St2oH
3. FatherCorn
5. SLR Gareth
6. craigfk +15 sec
7. Original96
8. SLR Nealix
9. MonsterSkyline4
11. ImYoungie -5
12. RUNthaJewels
13. ZachIsBeast25
14. We Are Venom37
15. SLR Stevooo
16. OrangeKrush129 (DNF)
17. PlainTeddy24 (DNF)
ZachIsBeast25 vs PlainTeddy24
OUTCOME: +15 sec = qualifying ban due to DNF 2LP PlainTeddy24
REASON: Spinning another car
OUTCOME: -5 sec
REASON: wrongly given penalty
ImYoungie vs craigfk
OUTCOME: +15 sec 2 LP craigfk
REASON: Spinning another car
ImYoungie vs OrangeKrush192
OUTCOME: +15 sec = qualifying ban due to retirement 2LP OrangeKrush192
REASON: Causing major wing damage
OrangeKrush192 vs PlainTeddy24
OUTCOME: Racing incident
REASON: Fair racing all the way and when OrangeKrush192 gets wing damage he turned in even though PlainTeddy24 was there and ahead as well so very much entitled to be there