Hockheimring, a track hit with rain in real life and in both races of division 1 and 2. Most notable race was in division 3 though were the penalties given after the race affected the podium massively, but i don't want to give any spoilers away so to see the division 3 results just scroll down......
In division 1 PrestoEvans was back to winning ways with CG Gibby behind in 2nd place and TheJocko in 3rd after starting 12th so well done to him.
Division 2 was dictated by ontothepodium after BCT L3GENDS suffered from a shocking strategy which also affected icallum76 and MacVeitch. 2nd place was taken by CallumMcKeon33 and on track rangarich was in 3rd but with less penalties TopGooner snatched it.
Division 1
Pole Lap: 01,11,171
1. Racerfreeman10
2. GeneralMarrow69
3. PrestoEvans
4. Vicaman1829
5. ERN Hampelexus
6. ITS ME WI11
7. CG Gibby
8. JesperSJ
9. TCP Coutinho10
10. Wahlberg24
11. TSR Norris
12. TheJocko
13. Beardboost
14. ERN David Storm
15. DRM marco
16. Saxman24
Fastest Lap: 01.24.294
1. PrestoEvans
2. CG Gibby
3. TheJocko
4. ERN Hampelexus
5. Racerfreeman10
6. Beardboost
7. Whalberg24 +5 sec
8. TSR Norris
9. JesperSJ
10. ERN David Storm
11. Saxman24
12. ITS ME WI11
13. vicaman1029
14. DRM marco
15. TCP Coutinho10
16. GeneralMarrow69
Lap 1 incident
OUTCOME: Racing incident
REASON: TSR Norris gets squezzed between the Alfa Romeos and causes a chain reaction which is unfortunate for everyone, wrong place wrong time.
TheJocko vs Beardboost vs Wahlberg24
OUTCOME: +5 1LP Wahlberg24
REASON: Squeezing, which leads to TheJocko breaking and Beardboost getting unfortunate damage.
Beardboost vs TSR Norris
OUTCOME: Racing incident
REASON: After a vote we decided a potential touch was so slight some sawit and some didnt.
PrestoEvans vs Racerfreeman10
OUTCOME: Penalty Removed
REASON: Racerfreeman10 is the one turning and hitting PrestoEvans, instead of waiting and making an easy pass. He is a partly at fault for the contact here.
OUTCOME: Qualifying ban 7LP
REASON: Readying up to early on the grid
Division 2
Pole Lap: 01,25,189
2. TopGooner1987
3. ontothepodium
4. TazFW
5. icallum76
6. MacVeitch
7. rangarich
8. CFM iLeTHaL x
9. SotierClock110
10. II EpicShotz II
11. Stepladderbob
12. R3ap3rs S3rvant
13. CallumMcKeon33
14. DOR Maverick
Fastest Lap: MacVeitch 01,14,184
1. ontothepodium
2. CallumMcKeon33
3. TopGooner1987
4. rangarich
5. TazFW
6. SotierClock110
7. CFM iLeTHaL x
8. Stepladderbob
9. II EpicShotz II
10. MacVeitch
11. R3ap3rs S3rvant +10 sec
13. icallum76 (DNF)
ontothepodium vs R3aper3rs S3rvant
OUTCOME: +10 sec 1LP R3ap3rs S3rvant
Reason: Blocking a qualifying lap
Division 3
Pole Lap: 01,12,295
1. LP Smoke
2. TopChefWW
3. DaredPaul1986
4. Dawziee
5. MRC Jewels
6. ZachIsBeast25
7. Nealix
8. L16M XK
9. Stevobrick
10. b33n 3motional
11. OrangeKrush192
12. St2oH
13. SprightlyB
14. ScottLaney85
15. SF1776
16. im Youngie
Fastest lap: Dawziee 01,15,771
1. OrangeKrush192
2. MRC Jewels
3. ZachIsBeast
4. TopChefWW +30 sec
5. L16M XK
6. SF1776 +15 sec
8. im Youngie
9. Stevobrick
10. Nealix +15 sec
11. St2oH +20 sec and -5 sec
12. Dawziee (DNF)
13. b33n 3motional (DNF)
14. ScottLaney85 (DNF)
15. LP Smoke (DNF)
16. DaredPaul1986 (DNF)
LP Smoke vs TopChefWW
OUTCOME: +30 sec 5LP TopChefWW
REASON: Terminal damage
St2oH vs Nealix
OUTCOME: -5 sec St2oH
REASON: Wrongly given penalty
St2oH vs Nealix
OUTCOME: +15 sec 2LP Nealix
REASON: Causing major wing damage
St2oH vs Nealix
OUTCOME: +20 sec 3LP St2oH
REASON: Divebomb!!
OUTCOME: +15 sec 2LP
REASON: retiring on track
Orangekrush192 vs L16M XK
OUTCOME: decision stand
REASON: we see your point of L16M XK hitting MRC Jewels becasue he went in to quickly, but since he spun he already penalised himself and you are unfortunate to end up there and ending up with a DNF.
St2oH vs ZacIsBeast25
OUTCOME: Penalty stands
REASON: The loss of control was the reason St2oH carshed into ZachIsBeast25 and since the loss of control was caused by himself the penalty stands.