How did you get on this week?
Check the results below!
Circuit of the Americas
McKeon Qualifying Pole Lap: 01.35.427 1. SLR Ogween77 2. CrowdingDooor994 3. BRT Griffiths 4. WTurn3r 5. F1xDriverx2018 6. SLR Southerner...
COTA Appeals
Appeal 1 (D1) Shutmedal and Levi Steward's Decision - 10s and 2lp Panel Decision - DeSync The Panel reviewed the evidence provided and...
The Scene is beginning to set for the Title duel!
We approach the final stretch of SLR Formula 2 season where we end with four back to back races starting with COTA for round 10! The Evo...
Appeals Report: COTA
USA Appeals Report Teddy vs Legend Outcome: Stewards decision stands Reason: There is no reason to reduce the penalty given to Teddy. He...
This week saw F2 head to the Circuit of the Americas for its inaugural race in F2 due to it not being on the calendar for Season 1....
Title time in Texas
Welcome back everyone to another race report for Elite! With only 3 rounds remaining in Season 5, we arrive in America for a weekend...