Appeals Report: Australia
Appeal 1 (D3) Raikkonen and Russell Stewards Decision - NFA Panel Decision - 5s and 2lp The panel reviewed evidence provided by the...
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Appeal 1 (D3) Raikkonen and Russell Stewards Decision - NFA Panel Decision - 5s and 2lp The panel reviewed evidence provided by the...
Appeal 1 (F2) BRT Griffiths re-entry Stewards Decision – 5s + 1LP Panel Decision – NFA The Panel reviewed the evidence provided and...
Appeal 1 (F2) Beast and Corey Stewards Decision - 1lp Panel Decision - 5s and 2lp The Panel reviewed the evidence and statement provided...
Appeal 1 (F2) Semm and the pitlane Stewards Decision - 5s and 1lp Panel Decision - 5s and 1lp The panel received sufficient evidence that...
Appeal 1 (F2) SLR Bennett and Shutmedal Stewards decision - 10s and 2 lp Panel decision - 5s and 1lp The Panel reviewed the evidence and...
Appeal 1 (F2) Corey and Medal Stewards Decision - 10s and 2lp (Led to QB for pp infringement) Panel Decision - NFA The panel reviewed the...
Appeal 1 (D3) Blain and AdamLee Stewards Decision - 10s and 2lp Panel Decision - 5s and 2lp The Panel reviewed the evidence provided and...
Appeal 1 (F2) Menz / Owen / Jam Stewards Decision - 10s and 2lp to Menz Panel Decision - 10s and 2lp to Menz The panel reviewed the...
Appeal 1 (D2) Mcloughlin x Stewards Decision - 5s and 1lp Panel Decision - 5s and 1lp The panel reviewed the evidence provided and agreed...
Dodgy and Marsh Stewards Decision - 5s Dodgy Panel Decision - NFA With the evidence provided, the panel have decided to remove the...
Appeal 1 (F2) Darnell/Crispy/Corey Stewards Decision - NFA Panel Decision - 15s and 3lp to Corey The panel reviewed the evidence and...
Dodgy and Crispy Stewards Decision - NFA Panel Decision - NFA The panel firstly wants to make a quick note to stewards to ensure that...
Appeal 1 (D3) Blaze and Just Haze Steward's Decision - QB Panel Decision - NFA The Panel reviewed the incident and concluded that the...
Appeal 1 (D1) Shutmedal and Levi Steward's Decision - 10s and 2lp Panel Decision - DeSync The Panel reviewed the evidence provided and...
Scopes and the Safety Car Steward's Decision - 5s and 1lp Panel Decision - 5s and 1lp The Panel concluded that Scopes committed an...
Appeal 1 (F2) Marsh and Baggie Steward's Decision - NFA Panel Decision - NFA The Panel assessed the clip and concluded that the Steward's...
Appeal 1 (D1) Tooman and Menz Steward's Decision - QB for Menz Appeals Decision - Overturned New Decision - QB + 3LP The Panel felt that...
Appeal 1 (D4) Maxwell and Marsh Steward's Decision - RI Panel Decision - Overturned New Decision - 10s + 2lp to Marsh The Panel assessed...
Appeal 1 Owen vs Marsh Steward's Decision - RI Panel Decision - Overturned New Decision - 1lp for Marsh The Panel assessed the evidence...
Incident 1 Josh vs Alpeh Steward's Decision - 10s + 3lp Panel Decision - Overturned New Decision - 1lp each The Panel reviewed the...