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Appeals Report: Baku
Appeal 1 (D2) Kislesko and Menz Stewards Decision - 5s and 1lp Panel Decision- RI The panel reviewed the evidence from both parties and...
Appeals Azerbaijan
Appeal 1 (F2) Menz / Owen / Jam Stewards Decision - 10s and 2lp to Menz Panel Decision - 10s and 2lp to Menz The panel reviewed the...
Baku appeals
Appeal 1 Owen vs Marsh Steward's Decision - RI Panel Decision - Overturned New Decision - 1lp for Marsh The Panel assessed the evidence...
Appeals Report: Baku
A lot of appeals this week but only one of them was successful in the end. Merkz Quali incident Outcome - stewards decision stands Reason...
F2 Baku
Thursday night saw us take to the streets of Baku for round 6 of the F2 season. The feature race was once again brilliant to watch for...
Mayhem as usual at Baku
Right to get the report out on a Tuesday instead of Wednesday I've decided to sacrifice the blog, but im sure you all are fine with that....
Finally St2oH
So another week of SLR racing is gone and this time it was Baku and the walls had a lot to do catching drivers, braking too late or...